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Active Versus Normal Galaxies

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Presentation on theme: "Active Versus Normal Galaxies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Active Versus Normal Galaxies

2 Optical Spectrum of a Typical Active Galaxy

3 Optical Spectra of Active Galaxies

4 X-ray Emission from an Active Galactic Nucleus

5 Broad-Band Spectrum of an Active Galaxy

6 Variability of Active Galaxies

7 Rapid X-ray Variability of Active Galaxies

8 Evidence for Relativistic Motions from X-ray Spectroscopy

9 Particle Jets from Active Galaxies

10 Particle Jets from NGC 6251 Notice the collimation
on a huge range of size scales.

11 The Particle Jet from M87

12 Historical Overview of Early Active Galaxy Studies

13 Artist’s Impression of the Black-Hole + Accretion-Disk Model

14 Innermost Part of the Accretion Disk
Surface of the Sun

15 Model for Jet Formation

16 Active Galaxies are Common
The Chandra Deep Field-North

17 Cosmic Evolution of Luminous Quasars

18 Lack of Spectral Evolution
Optical spectra do not evolve significantly X-ray-to-optical flux ratio does not evolve significantly

19 Some Active Galaxy Researchers

20 A Supermassive Black Hole in Hibernation at the Center of Our Galaxy

21 Hibernating Supermassive Black Holes in Most Galaxies
This strong relation suggests a link between galaxy formation and the growth of supermassive black holes.

22 Feedback from Active Galaxy Winds?

23 Feedback from Active Galaxy Winds?

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