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Ch. 6 Momentum and Impulse

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1 Ch. 6 Momentum and Impulse

2 Momentum

3 Momentum – the product of an object’s mass and velocity
it is a vector quantity The direction is the same as the velocity The symbol is “p”

4 Formula momentum = mass x velocity p = m x v (kg•m/s) kg m/s

5 Impulse – the product of the force and
the time over which it acts on an object Δp F= Δt

6 Impulse

7 The larger the mass, the greater the momentum compared to a less massive object with the same velocity. If mass is constant, the larger the velocity the greater the momentum. A change in momentum over a longer time requires less force

8 A change in momentum takes force and time.
The larger the momentum, the more force and/or time it will take to change the momentum

9 Force and time act together to change momentum.

10 FΔt = Δp FΔt = pf - pi FΔt = mvf - mvi
Stopping times and distance depend on the impulse-momentum theorem Impulse = change in momentum FΔt = Δp FΔt = pf - pi FΔt = mvf - mvi

11 A large force over a short time will have the same effect as a small force over a long time.

12 A 2250 kg pickup truck has a velocity of 25 m/s to the east
A 2250 kg pickup truck has a velocity of 25 m/s to the east. What is the momentum of the truck?

13 A 1400 kg car moving westward with a velocity of 15 m/s collides with a utility pole and is brought to rest in 0.30 s. What is the force exerted on the car during the collision?

14 A 2250 kg car traveling west slows down uniformly from 20. 0 m/s to 5
A 2250 kg car traveling west slows down uniformly from 20.0 m/s to 5.00 m/s. How long does it take the car to slow down if the force on the car is N to the east?

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