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Relax, sit down, enjoy yourself

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1 Relax, sit down, enjoy yourself
WELCOME ! Relax, sit down, enjoy yourself

2 Purpose You must be wondering… Why are we here? Sense of Identity
Shaping a new program “pruning” Chance to voice concerns, frustrations, criticisms Meet new people with common interests BUT, I don’t have all the answers

3 Forming the Club Formalized a students’ association so late in the year for preparation for next year No events planned for Winter term Easier to get things done if a ratified club with UWSA

4 Survey Results 42 people sent an email about it 20 people responded
30% 1st year 30% 2nd year 30% 3rd year 10% 4th year

5 What are your long-term plans?
Question 1 What are your long-term plans? Graduate school 45% Medicine % Grad school OR medicine 25% Other % Question 2 If it is grad school, what area? Top choices were Neuropharmacology Neuropsychology* Neuroscience

6 Interest in research experience?
Question 3 Interest in research experience? Very 90% Somewhat 10% None --- Question 4 Which prof(s) have you worked with? Dr. Cohen 5 Dr. Pandey 1 Dr. Zielinski 3 Dr. Higgs 2 Dr. Cotter 1 Dr. Fackrell 1 Dr. Mutus 1

7 If you had to choose, Bio or Psych? 18 responses
Question 5 If you had to choose, Bio or Psych? 18 responses Biology 11 Psychology 7

8 Your concerns about the BCN program
Of more interest… Your concerns about the BCN program Scheduling courses Not a real degree program Not enough focus on neuroscience, too much on behavioural More 3rd and 4th year neuroscience courses BCN colloquia go over my head Research experience in area I’m interested in? How do I get involved with research? Grade average for entering program Better guidance for post-grad studies More electives Course requirements too rigid

9 Status of BCN program Combined Honours in Biology and Psychology
You must do a 4th year Project *Required* to go to colloquia Not yet recognized by the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities Not sure what stage it’s at right now Looking for a Coordinator Unified student action can get things moving

10 Advice / Tips Dalhousie University
University of Toronto – Scarborough Campus University of Toronto – St. George Campus Washington State University University of Illinois – Chicago

11 Executive Executive in place for next year
President Minister of Internal Affairs Minister of Finance & Fundraising Don’t want rigid hierarchical structure

12 Position Available Vice-President ROLE Open to any BCN student
To be elected at next meeting; need a nominator Please consider the commitment ROLE 1. Assume duties of President in his/her absence 2. Ensure communication between Executive and members 3. Coordinate social, academic or educational activities throughout the school year 4. Publicize any events and promote awareness about the BCNSA Other positions available based on initiative

13 Open discussion Feedback from everyone Ideas for next year?
Orientation Fundraising Other activities Courses conflicting Colloquia attendance -field trip (usually to zoo): 1. educational and 2. purely fun

14 Website (under construction)

15 Things for later Good meeting time for everyone else?
Probably one more meeting before Winter term is over Update website Bulletin Board by Secretaries’ Office Good faculty liaison Nobel Laureate Dr. Hubel on March 18th BCN Banquet on April 1st

16 Win 2 passes to see N

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