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IN. FORM Coaches Webinar The Importance of keeping Good IN

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Presentation on theme: "IN. FORM Coaches Webinar The Importance of keeping Good IN"— Presentation transcript:

1 IN. FORM Coaches Webinar The Importance of keeping Good IN
IN.FORM Coaches Webinar The Importance of keeping Good IN.FORM Progress Records and Coaching from those records May 19th, 2015

2 Today’s IN.FORM Coaches Webinar
Agenda Key Terms or Definitions Why should you and your participants keep records of their progress? Examples and Group Activity How can we use Good Record Keeping to help us be better Coaches? What will being a better Coach do for your IN.FORM Business? Q&A

3 Type Your Questions & Comments

4 Key Terms or Definitions
Feedback = Information provided to another regarding his/her performance or to confirm your understanding of his/her communication. Behavior = Manner of acting or conducting oneself. Learning Styles = The various ways people gather and process information. Coaching = Process a Coach uses to help a Participant improve performance by learning new skills, by demonstrating and explaining how its done. Empathy = The ability to mentally place yourself in another person’s shoes, seeing the world form his/her perspective. Reinforcement = To strengthen and perfect a skill through repeated practice and feedback. Training Plan = A plan including training objectives, steps and methods as to how you will training a person or group. Self-discipline = Self-control that motivates an IN.FORM Participant to voluntarily follow the Coaches Training and Standards.

5 Why should you and your participants keep records of their progress?

6 Attendance Log

7 Male

8 Female

9 Male

10 Female

11 Male

12 Female

13 Female

14 Female

15 How can we use Good Record Keeping to help us be better Coaches?

16 What tools can You use to keep Good Records to Coach Your Participants with?
Attendance Log Weekly Progress Log (individual) Weekly Progress Log in the Participant Manual, and DVD IN.FORM Coaches log book DVD

17 What will being a better Coach do for your IN.FORM Business?

18 ON a scale of ONE to FIVE 5 being EXCELLENT How would you rate today’s Webinar?

19 Begins Now! No registration period. Sign up anytime!
13 weeks of healthy transformation Prizes awarded quarterly IN.FORM coaches win too! Do NOT need to be in IN.FORM to join. Everyone is welcome!

20 Prizes for Participants
Prizes for Coach of Winning Participant 1st PLACE $1,000 cash 2nd PLACE $500 cash 3rd PLACE $250 cash 1st PLACE $500 cash 2nd PLACE $250 cash 3rd PLACE $125 cash Every participant who completes the challenge gets $25 in free products!

21 Get Started in May and Get Rewarded!

22 Start a group with at least 5 participants and receive….
$220 Value!!!

23 FREE IN.FORM T-shirt for you and each of your participants
Plus… FREE IN.FORM T-shirt for you and each of your participants

24 Plus…. A $25 credit to the NEW IN.FORM E-Store

25 Start a second group with at least 5 participants and receive….
$275 Value!!!

26 FREE IN.FORM T-shirt for you and each of your participants
Plus… FREE IN.FORM T-shirt for you and each of your participants

27 Plus…. A $50 credit to the NEW IN.FORM E-Store

28 New this month Is your group between 2-4 participants? Submit your group information and receive a free bag of Love and Peas!

29 Uploading Your Groups

30 What you need to submit your group:
Group start date and time Names of each participant If they are members, you’ll need their account # Group photo If your group is 5 or more you’ll need t-shirt sizes for each person (sizes S-XXL)

31 Become an IN.FORM Duplicator!
Help 5 coaches in your first level get started in May or June

32 Prizes Free BioTracker! 100 bonus I-Inspire Points
Exclusive IN.FORM Duplicators Dinner at National Convention! Special IN.FORM Duplicator pin

33 Rules IN.FORM coach must be in your first level
Each group must have at least 5 participants

34 Let’s Answer Some Questions

35 Join us in two weeks! Tuesday, June 2nd, 11:00 am MDT

36 Thank you for joining us!!!

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