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Jeopardy Character Theme Method Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Character Theme Method Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Character Theme Method Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500
Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from Character
True or False: All living things only need three of the seven characteristics of life?

3 $100 Answer from Character
False: Every living thing has all seven characteristics of life

4 $200 Question from Character
What are the two types of reproduction?

5 $200 Answer from Character
Asexual (one parent) and Sexual (two parents)

6 $300 Question from Character
What is the smallest unit that can carry on all the functions of life?

7 $300 Answer from Character

8 $400 Question from Character
What are the seven characteristics of life?

9 $400 Answer from Character
Organized Cells Reproduction Metabolism Growth and Development Homeostasis Heredity Resoponsiveness

10 $500 Question from Character
Describe the characteristic of Homeostasis

11 $500 Answer from Character
The process of all living things maintaining a balance within their cells and the environment.

12 $100 Question from Theme What biological grouping involves the interaction between the community of organisms and their environment?

13 $100 Answer from Theme Ecosystem

14 $200 Question from Theme What are the three underlying themes of biology?

15 $200 Answer from Theme 1. Diversity and Unity in living things
2. Interdependence between living things 3. Evolution of living things

16 $300 Question from Theme In order from most general to most specific, what are the two categories we’ve covered so far that we use to group the evolution of living things?

17 $300 Answer from Theme Domain Kingdom

18 $400 Question from Theme The “branches” in the tree of life are called

19 $400 Answer from Theme lineage

20 $500 Question from Theme What is the theory of natural selection?

21 $500 Answer from Theme Organisms that have certain favorable traits are better able to survive and reproduce successfully than those that lack these traits

22 $100 Question from Method What is the organized process to observing and testing the natural world

23 $100 Answer from Method Scientific Method

24 $200 Question from Method What is the Independent and Dependent Variable?

25 $200 Answer from Method Independent : Time (Year)
Dependent: Atmospheric Concentration (ppm)

26 $300 Question from Method True or false: Once supported, Scientific theories become concrete explanations and do not change/ become disproven over time.

27 $300 Answer from Method False, theories are highly supported explanations of the natural world that has a large amount of evidential data; that is until new discoveries say otherwise Ex: Disproven theories that were once believed to be true include “Spontaneous Generation” and “The Earth is the center of the solar system”

28 $400 Question from Method What is the difference between a theory and a law?

29 $400 Answer from Method Law: statement of a continuous observation in science. Concrete and universal. Theory: An explanation of a natural phenomenon consistently supported by a large amount of data and experiments.

30 $500 Question from Method What are the steps of the scientific method

31 $500 Answer from Method Observation Question (Research) Hypothesis
Prediction Experimentation Analysis Conclusion

32 A scientist performs an experiment to see if acids have an effect on the health of a particular type of plant. Three sets of plants were treated with acidic solutions of known pH while the control set was treated with a solution of neutral pH 7. What is the best conclusion for this experiment? Restate hypothesis

33 Final Jeopardy Answer High Acidity decreases the health of this particular plant

34 A scientist performs an experiment to see if acids have an effect on the health of a particular type of plant. Three sets of plants were treated with acidic solutions of known pH while the control set was treated with a solution of neutral pH 7. Construct a graph representing the data collected

35 Final Jeopardy Answer


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