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North and South Newspapers

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1 North and South Newspapers

2 Purpose: You will be creating a newspaper that would appear during this time period leading up to the Civil War – the division between our country: North vs. South. You will need to learn about your specific region (north or south) in order to write in its PERSPCTIVE during this time in history!

3 Articles: There are 5 particular articles you will be required to include: A feature article on a person or invention a economic report a transportation report a society report a weather/geography or travel report.

4 Task Line-up (Do in order!!)
1). Read and research about your region 2). Select Article Topics 3). Gather Sources/Note taking 4). Rough Drafts – (editor checks) 5). Final Articles/Layout Design 6). Final Draft / Fillers

5 “A good newspaper, I suppose, is a nation talking to itself.”
Final Thought: “A good newspaper, I suppose, is a nation talking to itself.” Arthur Miller

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