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Marchant’s Hill Adventure Centre, Surrey 2018

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1 Marchant’s Hill Adventure Centre, Surrey 2018


3 Aims of the Trip Promote team work / co-operation Develop independence
Promote self-confidence and self-esteem Opportunities to experience different activities Fun!

4 Staff Mrs Kelly Mr Smith (First Aid) Mr Quinn (First Aid) Miss Bohan
Mrs Bird (First Aid) Miss Pickering Mrs Evans

5 Travel Friday 8th June Travel by coach and car to Marchants’ Hill, Guildford. In the Lower Hall by 10am for registration. Leave by 10:30. PACKED LUNCH REQUIRED IN BACKPACK. If needed, children can come in as normal and go to class until 10am. Monday 11th June -Return to school by coach and car by 3pm

6 Accomodation Accomodation is in purpose built chalets.
Ensuite rooms sleeping 4-8 children. The children will be told who they are sharing a cabin with on arrival at Marchants’ Hill

7 A Typical Day 07.00 – Wake up call!
Breakfast (English or Continental, cereal, toast and drinks) First activity session Break Second activity session – 2 course lunch Third activity session Break Fourth activity session  Supervised free time course evening meal – Evening entertainment (From   there will be PGL staff on active night duty. Teachers on call throughout the night.) 21.00 – – getting ready for bed, medication etc. Hot chocolate and cake! 21.30 – – in cabins, settling down for bed. 22.00 Lights out.

8 Activities- sample Raft Building Challenge Course Problem Solving
Team games Survivor Abseiling Zip Wire Sensory Trail Climbing Jacob’s Ladder Archery

9 What to pack? Please take a kit list and do not buy anything new!
Clothing: All clothing should be old. The children will be doing activities that may be muddy and new clothing may get ruined. It is important that the children bring enough clothes in case of wet weather but we have a limited amount of space on the coach so all baggage must NOT be too large. NO aerosols due to the number of asthmatics. NOTE: They must be able to carry their case and MUST have a coat.

10 Medication Medication and Health Forms have been issued and need to be returned ASAP Any medication required will be administered by a member of staff and stored securely for the duration of the trip.

11 Mobile Phones etc Mobile phones, hair dryers, hair straighteners, electronic goods or games are not permitted. The site stipulate no electric goods in the rooms. Children will not need cameras. School take cameras.

12 Contact Staff will contact you in the event of an emergency
Please contact school and Mrs Madar will contact us in the event of a family emergency Facebook will be updated each day (including the weekend) so you can keep in touch with what we are up to!

13 Any questions?

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