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Moving, Capturing and Load Shedding

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Presentation on theme: "Moving, Capturing and Load Shedding"— Presentation transcript:

1 Moving, Capturing and Load Shedding
I bet they are going to make us play with plasticine today! Is it magic? Is there someone using a remote control to make the character move? How come children from Dunkirk made a movie about Heer Ranjha from Pakistan?

2 OK, so this is what you can do with play dough…
OK, so this is what you can do with play dough….pink sheep with black legs and turquoise eyes….cool!

3 OK, OK….I get it…move, capture, move capture, move capture!!!!,

4 Success, I have made a movie!!
Dad better let me download Monkey Jam tonight!

5 I fixed these for Miss Asima
yesterday…why has she brought them in again?

6 These straighteners will not beat me…I will fix them…otherwise Miss Asima will not be happy!

7 All I wanted was straight hair
All I wanted was straight hair! I’m not borrowing Mrs Qureshi’s straighteners again!

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