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Strategic Quick Hits Summary.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Quick Hits Summary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Quick Hits Summary

2 What are some quick wins you can get to build momentum?
Content in Context What are some quick wins you can get to build momentum? Strategic Quick Hits 

3 What are Strategic Quick Hits?
Strategic Quick Hits are actions that can be implemented quickly to begin or continue reforming the work HR/HC does to add value to teacher or principal quality Key indicators of a strategic quick hit Short-term action that reinforces and inspires confidence in your long-term direction Can usually be implemented in one month or less Low cost Doesn’t generally require involvement of other departments Strategic or Not

4 What are Strategic Quick Hits?
Examples Align HR staffing structure to those who supervise principals to provide more customized support Adapt and provide sample letters of reprimand for typical situations that principals can download online (e.g., excessive tardies, excessive leave use, etc.) Review HR website and ensure vacancies are online within 1-2 clicks for applicants Create and disseminate an HR Staffing Calendar with all relevant dates prior to the start of the staffing season Change HR’s role in forced placements – hold open session with principals

5 Why is This Important? Strategic Quick Hits
Shows progress and positive results Builds momentum for more challenging work Inspires confidence that HR is focusing on serving schools better around work that makes an impact Strategic or Not

6 Keep in Mind Things to Remember
Communicate the purpose and impact to others behind your strategic quick hits Quick hits can be implemented even in challenging fiscal times Be sure to build on your momentum after a quick hit is implemented – what else can you undertake in service of your larger vision? Quick hits still require work – ensure their success with careful planning Use learnings from implementing quick hits to tweak your approach in your broader work Strategic or Not

7 Making Connections Related Content Nine Strategic Quick Hits
Offers immediate and strategic actions that can be implemented to continue reforming the work HR/HC does to add value to teacher quality and to support principals Principal Quick Hits Provides some immediate actions to begin connecting HR to the strategic work of improving Principal and Assistant Principal quality, from recruitment through evaluation Steps in HR Process Redesign Provides a framework to use when reviewing, analyzing, and redesigning inefficient and ineffective processes Most Critical HR Process Redesigns Lists the most critical HR processes to redesign to achieve maximum strategic impact on staff quality

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