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Norwegian agriculture – key figures (2001)

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1 Norwegian agriculture – key figures (2001)
LAND USE IN NORWAY Agricultural land 3 % (EU-average 57%) Forests 22 % Mountains, lakes etc. 75 % USE OF AGRICULTURAL LAND Grassland % Grain production 32 % Other (potatoes, veget.) 6 % FARM STRUCTURE Number of units being farmed: Average size: 16 hectares 3 % of the units being farmed have more than 50 hectares Average dairy herd size: 14,6

2 Plans for reduction of emissions of NH3
New and more detailed model for the calculation of agricultural emissions is being developed Abatement strategy to be developed when new model is in place Small scale agriculture; thus, expensive manure handling equipment is not the (only) solution for Norwegian agriculture

3 Nutrients A few elements in the Norwegian manure regulations:
Long winters - Minimum 8 months storage capacity No spreading of manure between 1November and 15 February or on frozen or snow-covered ground Manure applied to land to be ploughed shall be incorporated within 18 hours Norway has implemented Gothenburg protocol: Annex IX B, D and E in new regulation





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