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Competing for Scientific Leadership Positions

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1 Competing for Scientific Leadership Positions
Roland A. Owens, PhD Director of Research Workforce Development, Office of Intramural Research Office of the Director

2 Why Become a Department Chair or Higher-Level Leader?
The benefits and authorities vary between Institutions, but often include: •     Higher pay than a typical tenured faculty member/Principal Investigator •     Supervisor of record for other faculty/PIs (e.g., can influence bonuses and salaries) •     Ability to initiate requests for faculty/PI searches •     Control or influence over shared resources and departmental priorities •     Control or influence over the faculty tenure process •     Signature required for Staff and fellow appointments Exceptional pay requests for faculty, fellows or staff Renewals or exceptional extensions of appointments Travel Manuscript submission Submission of grant proposals    

3 Basic Skills Needed to be an Effective Department Chair or Higher-Level Leader
An ability to perform multiple complex tasks in parallel (multi-tasking) An ability to put the needs of the department or institution above your own needs An ability to evaluate work outside your field The scientific productivity of current and potential faculty The performance of administrative support staff The performance of infrastructure support staff (e.g., information technology, core facilities) An ability to communicate effectively with diverse groups of individuals Advocating for your department to higher leadership Developing a shared vision for departmental staff An ability to manage people Mediating interpersonal conflicts Fairly adjudicating disputes over resource allocations

4 Strategies for Developing Leadership Skills
Help others (outside your immediate research group) to be more productive Provide constructive criticism in a respectful way Be generous in the sharing of resources (e.g. equipment) with others in your department Seek opportunities for important research collaborations Find out which committees are stepping stones to leadership and express a willingness to participate Seek out opportunities for leadership classes or leadership coaching/mentoring Build social capital Try to speak one-on-one with as many people in your department as you can Show up for faculty and departmental events, and be interactive Show an interest in the work of others (including administrative and infrastructure support staff)

5 Identify and Connect with Multiple Role Models, Mentors, and Advocates
Nominate role models for seminars and professional society awards Leverage any commonality Same school Same home town Shared scientific interest Shared taste in music or sports Learn how to scan an office A person will tell you what they value by what they display

6 Apply for Leadership Positions (Do Not Wait to be Asked)
For Current Leadership Openings at NIH See: Executive Careers at NIH Branch Chief and Scientific Director Positions

7 Questions?

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