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2 Today’s Learning Targets
LT 3.4 – I can discuss the concept of a mole, the number that it represents, and how the overall size of it can vary between substances

3 What is the mole?

4 I. The Mole In any substance there are trillions of atoms
We need a simple way of conveying large numbers The mole is a unit that describes the amount of particles that a substance has. Contained within one mole is x 1023 particles

5 How High Can You Count? 602,200,000,000,000,000,000,000

6 What is Avogadro’s Number ?

7 I. Avogadro’s Number Italian chemist who studied gases
From his experiments, he developed the idea of the mole

8 II. The Mole The mole is simply a number.
This is just like the concept of a dozen You can have dozen dogs or dozen chairs, each describes that we have 12 off them. A mole is simply x 1023 of something. This means we could have a mole of atoms or a mole of M & Ms. Each means that we have x 1023 of them

9 What does 1 mole look like?

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