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Observation & Inference

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Presentation on theme: "Observation & Inference"— Presentation transcript:

1 Observation & Inference

2 Observations Any information collected with the 5 senses.
The skill of describing scientific events.

3 2 Types of Observation Qualitative observation: observation based off of one of your senses. Examples: The chocolate tastes sweet. Her shirt is red. It smells like roses. Quantitative observation: observation using numbers. Examples: The mass was 68 grams. There were 25 blue folders. It’s 98 degrees outside.

4 Inference Conclusions or deductions based on observations .
The process of drawing a conclusion from given evidence.

5 Tracks like these are common in parts of New England and in the southwestern United States.
What do you OBSERVE? What can you INFER?

6 Now what do you think?

7 Infer what happened based on your observations.

8 Source of graphic:

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