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Our Solar System By, Bella Steckel

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Presentation on theme: "Our Solar System By, Bella Steckel"— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Solar System By, Bella Steckel
The solar system is huge. The solar system has lots of planets. The solar system has lots of stars.

2 Sun The sun is the biggest planet. The sun is known as a star.
All planets rotate and revolve around the sun.

3 Mercury Mercury is very hot. It has a very rocky surface.
Mercury is one of those inner planets.

4 Venus Venus is almost the same size as Earth.
Venus is the third brightest object in space. Venus has lots and lots of volcanos.

5 Earth Earth is where all organisms live.
Most of the Earth is made of water. Earth is the largest planet in the inner planets.

6 Asteroid Belt The asteroid belt was noticed in 1801.
It is shaped like a disc. Asteroids are harder to see from Earth than Comets.

7 Mars Mars is named by the Roman God of War.
It is the fourth planet from the sun. Only 16 of 39 Mars missions have been completed.

8 Jupiter Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system.
It is the fifth planet from the sun. Jupiter is a gas giant.

9 Saturn Saturn’s ring was observed in 1610.
It is the sixth planet from the sun. Saturn is also a gas giant.

10 Uranus Uranus was discovered in 1781.
It is the coldest planet in the solar system. Uranus is 14 times bigger than Earth.

11 Neptune It takes Neptune 164.8 years to orbit around the sun.
It has the most dangerous weather. Neptune’s wind speed is 10 times the speed of a hurricane.

12 Dwarf Planet Pluto Dwarf Planet Pluto
Pluto is known as a dwarf planet. It has five moons. Pluto is named after the Greek god of the underworld. Planet Pluto

13 Astronaut Astronauts are people that set foot on other planets.
Astronauts wear heavy gear to protect them from the cold. Astronauts have oxygen tanks so they can breath air.

14 Moon There are 181 moons in our solar system.
The moon’s light can reflect off the water. The moon has lots of different phases.

15 resources Have a wonderful day!!!!! Harcourt Science Book

16 Thanks for watching!!! #SO CUTE!!!

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