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Functionalism Theory Key Assumptions

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1 Functionalism Theory Key Assumptions
Expressive and Instrumental Variables The Functions Of Family

2 Functionalism T. Parsons and R. Merton
Social Facts: patterns of acting, thinking, and feeling that exist outside of individuals but exert social control over us. Key Assumption: Every system needs to achieve a state of order or system equilibrium (homeostasis). The keys to this are moral/value consensus and institutions like the family Functionalism

3 What Societies Need To Survive
• Replace Its Members: Groups do this through procreation, conversion, or immigration • Teach New Recruits: Groups do this through education, indoctrination, or informal interaction. • Produce/Distribute Goods: Groups must satisfy members’ needs or face discontent and disorder. • Preserve Order: Groups protect their members from both internal and external threats. • Provide A Sense Of Purpose: Groups help members understand their value to the society, providing motivation for them to continue as members of it.. What Societies Need To Survive

4 Functionalism T. Parsons and R. Merton
All of our norms, values, roles, and institutions can be classified on the basis of the following expressive and instrumental variables: Ascription & Achievement: the origins of qualities someone might bring to social interactions or situations Affectivity & Affective Neutrality: the amount of emotion or affect that is appropriate in any social interaction Diffuseness & Specificity: the strength of ties which create a range of obligations to other actors in any social interaction Particularism & Universalism: the reactions to others based on their relationship with us Collectivity & Self-Seeking: the extent of self- or shared-interest associated with social actions Functionalism

5 The Functions Of Family
To regulate sexual activity To ensure that new babies survive to become adult members of the society To ensure that children are socialized into the norms and values of society To provide “economic” support for family members To satisfy our emotional needs for love and security To provide us with a sense of place and position The “Benchmark” Family Is The Traditional Intact Nuclear Family Of A Breadwinner Husband, Homemaker Wife, And Their Children (Preferably A Boy And A Girl)

6 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Self-transcendence other focus Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

7 The Functions Of Family
To regulate sexual activity To ensure that new babies survive to become adult members of the society To ensure that children are socialized into the norms and values of society To provide “economic” support for family members To satisfy our emotional needs for love and security To provide us with a sense of place and position The “Benchmark” Family Is The Traditional Intact Nuclear Family Of A Breadwinner Husband, Homemaker Wife, And Their Children (Preferably A Boy And A Girl)

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