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Make it a Great Day! Thursday, March 22nd 2018

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1 Make it a Great Day! Thursday, March 22nd 2018
Opening Warm-up: What have you learned about the physical and human geography of Africa over the past three days? Please make a T-Chart to organize your ideas. You should have at least three entries per side. Work Session: Make-up/recovery/finish anything needed on Unit 4 Test – Europe & Russia Complete any unfinished work on physical geography of Unit 5 – Africa Individual Mapping Assignment Introductory Reading and note-taking – pgs Partner Mapping Lab Challenge Africa Map Quiz BBC Series Africa episode about the Sahara Desert Closing Cool-down: What kind of impact does the Sahara Desert have on Africa? Be specific. Essential Question: What and where are significant physical features, climate zones, and available resources of Africa? How do these factors impact human settlement patters in Africa? SSWG 1dh Materials you will need: Writing Utensil & Geography Notebook Any work needed to complete any unfinished work from earlier in the week

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