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Team Leader Facilitation Session

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Presentation on theme: "Team Leader Facilitation Session"— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Leader Facilitation Session
Analyzing Data for Educational Alignment and Student Success Institute Student Equity Plan Implementation Institute Team Leader Facilitation Session

2 What do you want to see your team accomplish today?
Analyzing Data for Educational Alignment and Student Success Institute Question: What do you want to see your team accomplish today?

3 Day 2: Agenda at a Glance 8:00am Team Leader Facilitation Session
Analyzing Data for Educational Alignment and Student Success Institute Day 2: Agenda at a Glance 8:00am Team Leader Facilitation Session 9:00am Welcome 9:15am Embedding Equity-Mindedness Estela Mara Bensimon 9:45am Break Out Instructions 10:15am Break Out Session 5 (and 1on1s) 11:45am Lunch: Implementation Panel 1:00pm Break Out Session 6 (and 1on1s) 3:05pm Wrap, Up, Summary, Next Steps 3:30pm Institute Conclusion

4 Activity Instructions
Facilitation Instructions (Connecting the prompts to your campus)

5 Analyzing Data for Educational Alignment and Student Success Institute
Equity Plan Action Map

6 Step 1. Choose an Equity Plan Course Completion Activity.
Analyzing Data for Educational Alignment and Student Success Institute Step 1. Choose an Equity Plan Course Completion Activity. Additional Research

7 Analyzing Data for Educational Alignment and Student Success Institute
Step 2 & 3. Write your name and an action you would take related to the activity on a pink post it note (consider Day 1 sessions) and place it on the poster. Race Conversations: p.4 Course Compl. P. 37 Course Observations. P. 19 Buy-In: P. 16 Additional Research Debbie: Meet with IR

8 Course Observations: p.19 Buy-In: p.16
Analyzing Data for Educational Alignment and Student Success Institute Step 2 & 3. Write your name and an action you would take related to the activity on a pink post it note (consider Day 1 sessions) and place it on the poster. Race Conversations: p.4 Course Completion: p.37 Course Observations: p.19 Buy-In: p.16 Additional Research Debbie: Meet with IR

9 Analyzing Data for Educational Alignment and Student Success Institute
Step 4 & 5. Referring to the blue and yellow post-it notes from day one, read the pink post-it notes and identify next steps. Additional Research Debbie: Meet with IR

10 Next Steps Poster Evelyn By Feb. 28th
Analyzing Data for Educational Alignment and Student Success Institute Next Steps Poster Populate Course Completion Data Templates Evelyn By Feb. 28th

11 Activity Instructions
Facilitation Instructions (Connecting the prompts to your campus)

12 Step 1. Choose an Equity Plan Course Completion Activity.
Analyzing Data for Educational Alignment and Student Success Institute Step 1. Choose an Equity Plan Course Completion Activity. Facilitation Guide Would you describe your activities as: Mismatched to your equity gaps? Selected for reasons other than equity? Implemented in a way that doesn’t address equity gaps? Additional Research

13 Analyzing Data for Educational Alignment and Student Success Institute
Option One: If your activity fits the following criteria – we encourage you to pick it: We have our own evidence this activity closes gaps for students in our disproportionately impacted (D.I.) groups Research has established that students in our D.I. groups benefit from this activity We have a good hunch, based on our experiences, that this activity will close gaps for our D.I. students – and we can articulate a rationale (theory of change)

14 Analyzing Data for Educational Alignment and Student Success Institute
Option Two. If you feel you have an activity might be a fit for closing the gap – we encourage you to select it, if you will also: Begin collecting data at your campus on who is attending the activity, what impact it is making and what the outcomes might be expected in terms of closing gaps for course completion Look for research that establishes a link between course success and the activity you chose and share that with your team Articulate a rationale (theory of change) that links the activity with closing the gap

15 Analyzing Data for Educational Alignment and Student Success Institute
Option Three. If your activity will not close the gap for disproportionately impacted students – we encourage you to better understand what is contributing to the course completion gaps and revisit your activities by: Clarify where are the gaps – the course completion data tools help you identify where the gaps are the “high risk” divisions, departments and courses Clarify what’s causing the gaps - the inquiry protocol James shared or another inquiry tool such as syllabi review or interviews to identify what may contribute to creating or closing course completion equity gaps. Work to identify institutional practices (such as financial aid, priority registration and add / drop policies) that may be disproportionately contributing to student equity gaps.

16 Analyzing Data for Educational Alignment and Student Success Institute
Question: Do we think the activities in our Equity Plan will help us reach our equity goals?

17 Recap the options… Your activity fits… Your activity might be a fit...
Analyzing Data for Educational Alignment and Student Success Institute Recap the options… Your activity fits… Your activity might be a fit... Your activity will not be a fit…

18 Analyzing Data for Educational Alignment and Student Success Institute
Step 2 & 3. Write your name and an action you would take related to the activity on a pink post it note (consider Day 1 sessions) and place it on the poster. Additional Research Debbie: Meet with IR

19 Analyzing Data for Educational Alignment and Student Success Institute
Step 4 & 5. Referring to the blue and yellow post-it notes from day one, read the pink post-it notes and identify next steps. Facilitation Guide What actions can we group together? Can we volunteer people to do tasks who aren’t here today? What’s missing? Additional Research Debbie: Meet with IR

20 Next Steps Poster Facilitation Guide What kind of training is needed?
Analyzing Data for Educational Alignment and Student Success Institute Next Steps Poster Facilitation Guide What kind of training is needed? What kind of data is needed to evaluate impact? Populate Course Completion Data Templates Evelyn By Feb. 28th

21 Cross Campus Sharing Gallery Walk
Analyzing Data for Educational Alignment and Student Success Institute Cross Campus Sharing Gallery Walk Share out 3 highlights (to the group) 2 team deeper share (1 on 1)


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