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A Course and Curriculum Design Wiki: Sustainability, Authenticity, and Collaboration Kathryn Plank & Teresa Johnson University Center for the Advancement.

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Presentation on theme: "A Course and Curriculum Design Wiki: Sustainability, Authenticity, and Collaboration Kathryn Plank & Teresa Johnson University Center for the Advancement."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Course and Curriculum Design Wiki: Sustainability, Authenticity, and Collaboration Kathryn Plank & Teresa Johnson University Center for the Advancement of Teaching The Ohio State University

2 Course Design Institutes To help faculty prepare for quarters-to-semester conversion, we are offering multiple course/curriculum design institutes 5 days long 12 participants in each institute Interactive, hands-on sessions based on the principle of backwards design Participants complete individual portfolios of their planning materials

3 Why a Wiki? Sustainability Authenticity Community


5 Sustainability Handouts and worksheets are all available on the Wiki. Participants work on laptops during the sessions. They can view materials and work on their portfolios on the wiki, both in the sessions and at home. No paper is used.

6 Handouts and resources

7 Authenticity We wanted participants to leave the institute with the basic structure of the course, including beginnings for a syllabus, assignments, assessment tools, and a course outline. We did NOT want them to leave with a pile of worksheets and handouts that would sit on their desks. Wiki pages export to Word for easy access and ongoing work.

8 Participant Portfolios Xx Xxxs

9 Sample worksheet

10 Collaboration The institutes were designed to build community and collaboration. Participants can view and comment on each others portfolios. With each new institute, the community grows. Participants can collaborate on their work both in real-time and across quarters/institutes.

11 Peer comments

12 Feedback Feedback on the Wiki has been extremely positive: – very helpful – I will probably implement a wiki format in my courses – Really liked it and am scheming about how to use it for curricular redesign – The wiki idea was excellent (also allowing content to remain available for future use); also the ability to work progressively on our own course. – I loved all the examples and links, and comments from everyone else.

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