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You will have 5 minutes to answer the following question

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Presentation on theme: "You will have 5 minutes to answer the following question"— Presentation transcript:

1 You will have 5 minutes to answer the following question
AP Biology Opener You will have 5 minutes to answer the following question

2 Link what you know about the Endosymbiotic Theory to as many AP BIO THEMES as you can

3 5 minutes

4 4 minutes

5 3 minutes

6 2 minutes

7 1 minute

8 50 seconds

9 40 seconds

10 30 seconds

11 20 seconds

12 10 seconds

13 9 seconds

14 8 seconds

15 7 seconds

16 6 seconds

17 5 seconds

18 4 seconds

19 3 seconds

20 2 seconds

21 1 seconds

22 Let's get started!

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