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Published byAli Lipp Modified over 10 years ago
Note: Refer to Student Handbook & Catalog for additional information
CHARTING YOUR COURSE Understanding Academics at CSUEB Presented by: Academic Advising and Career Education (AACE) On behalf of Academic Advising and Career Education, we would like to formally welcome you to California State University, East Bay! This presentation will provide you with an overview of the academic policies and requirements here at Cal State East Bay. We encourage you to note any questions that arise during this presentation and review our Facts and Questions (FAQ’s). Note: Refer to Student Handbook & Catalog for additional information
Ten (10) weeks of instruction +
THE QUARTER SYSTEM Ten (10) weeks of instruction + one week of finals Quarter System Semester System Here at Cal State East Bay, we operate on the quarter system. Each quarter (fall, winter, spring, summer) is approximately 11 weeks in length (10 weeks of instruction, plus 1 week of final exams). The quarter system is very different from the semester system. Everything moves rather quickly in a quarter system. It is important that you log-in regularly as indicated on your course syllabus, stay on top of your reading, and keep organized with your assignments. The rule of thumb regarding study time while in a quarter system school is that for every hour of class time, you should study 2 hours outside of class. In terms of units and courses, the majority of our classes are 4 quarter units each, which equals four hours of classroom instruction per week. The normal academic load for full-time undergraduate students is units of coursework (12 units is the minimum for full-time status) per quarter. Thus, with units, you can expect to study approximately hours per week. Units & Courses 4 quarter units = four hours of classroom instruction per week Average load per quarter: units
Quarter System Semester System Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior If you are transferring from a school that used the semester system, your semester units will be converted into quarter units. To convert your units, transfer evaluators simply multiply your transferable semester units by 1.5 to attain your quarter units. For example, if you have 60 semester units, they multiplied that by 1.5 and that gives you 90 quarter units. In terms of class standing, this is how we divide the class levels at Cal State East Bay: 0-44 units are Freshmen 45-89 units are Sophomores units are Juniors 135 and up are Seniors Semester Units x 1.5 = Quarter Units
COURSE NUMBERING Developmental Courses
A-F or Credit/No Credit Do not count toward degree Freshman Level Sophomore Level Junior Level Senior Level LOWER DIVISION The course numbering system provides information regarding the level of each course offered here at Cal State East Bay. Anything below the 1000 level are developmental/remedial courses. Remedial courses are designed to prepare you for college-level coursework. The units earned in these courses do not count toward your Bachelor’s degree but do count toward full-time status and financial aid. Anything you take in the 1000/2000 level are considered lower division courses. Anything you take in the 3000/4000 level are considered upper division courses. However, this does not mean that because you are a “junior” you are restricted to taking only 3000 level courses. Students can take any level course just as long as they meet the prerequisites. However, it is important to always check for course restrictions because we don’t want you in a course that you are not academically prepared to pass. That is why prerequisites are set by the department – in order for you to succeed in the course! Prerequisites can be found in the online catalog or you can consult with the instructor of the class. Keep in mind that there are some upper division courses that do not require prerequisites and some lower division courses that do require prerequisites. The key is to make sure to check the catalog before enrolling in any course. UPPER DIVISION
GRADING SYSTEM Academic Probation
F (0.0) Academic Probation How do these grading policies affect you? It is important to keep in mind that anytime your cumulative or your CSUEB GPA falls below a 2.0 results in automatic academic probation. If you should experience this, please contact the University Advisement Center at (new UAC address) and/or call to schedule a phone appointment with an academic counselor. The counselors there will be able to help you understand the severity of your probation and discuss strategies for improving your academic standing. You all know the standard A, B, C, D, and F grades. For more information regarding +/- and administrative grades, please go to “WU” Grades: Counts as an “F” in your GPA! “W” Grades: Does NOT affect GPA “I” Grades: Only 1 year to make up “IC” Grades: Counts as an “F” in your GPA! +/- Grading: Watch Out: Affects GPA CR/NC Grades: Does NOT affect GPA Repeating Courses: CSUEB policies limit the number of repeats allowed!
Units Residency GPA American Institutions Advanced Composition University Writing Skills Requirement (UWSR) Performing Arts & Activities Cultural Groups & Women General Education Major In order to graduate from Cal State East Bay, you must fulfill all of the requirements listed above. The following is intended to be an overview of these requirements. -Total Units -Units in Residence -Minimum Grade Point Average requirements -The Code Requirement -Writing Skills Requirement -a little bit of information on Major -and of course General Education!
1 UNIT REQUIREMENTS Major General Education Upper Division GE
Electives Additional Graduation Requirements Major General Education Upper Division GE All undergraduate students need a minimum of 180 units to graduate from Cal State East Bay. The requirements for a Bachelor’s degree consist of the above five components: Major requirements General Education (GE) requirements Upper Division GE requirements General graduation requirements Electives Out of the 180 units, your major requires the most amount of units. The next largest chunk is GE, some electives, and then some units for general graduation requirements. As transfer students you still need to complete your UPPER DIVISION GE here at Cal State East Bay. You could not have completed any upper division at a community college because only lower division courses are offered at the community college level. Once you have received your Degree Progress Report, you may learn that you still have Lower Division GE requirements to complete. Please contact the University Advisement Center at Total Completed Units = 180 (minimum) Total Upper Division Completed Units= 60 (minimum)
Time for a…. Pop Quiz 1. Semester Units x _____ = Quarter Units. A. 1
B. 1.5 C. 2 – 3999 courses are intended for which class level? A. Sophomore B. Junior C. Senior Semester Units x _______ = Quarter Units. 1 1.5 2 3000 – 3999 courses are intended for which class level? Sophomore Junior Senior True or False You have ONE year to make up an “I” Incomplete? 3. True or False You have ONE year to make up an “I” Incomplete?
You must complete at least 45 quarter units of coursework at CSUEB: 36 units of Upper Division 18 units from the Major 12 units in General Education May include courses taken at the Concord Campus and through Open University, But NOT through Extension or Credit by Examination. You must complete a minimum of 45 quarter units in residence (enrolled as an admitted student) at Cal State East Bay, including at least: 36 upper division units (3000/4000 classes) This includes both major and GE. 18 units in your major 12 units of upper division G.E. Units you earn at other institutions, units you earn through the Cal State East Bay Continuing and International Education Division such as Open University, and units you earn through Credit-by-Examination are not considered residence units.
3 MINIMUM GPA Academic Probation Good Standing Classes here at Cal State East Bay are graded on a four (4) point scale and you must have an overall GPA of 2.0 to graduate. You must maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in all college courses and all CSUEB courses or you will be placed on academic probation. Minimum GPA = 2.0 Goal GPA = 4.0
U.S. History U.S. Constitution CA State & Local Gov.
4 AMERICAN INSTITUTIONS U.S. History U.S. Constitution CA State & Local Gov. The code requirement is fulfilled with coursework covering United States History, United States Constitution and California State and Local Government. As a transfer student, you may or may not have completed this requirement at another college or university. Check your Degree Progress Report to see if the requirement was satisfied or partially completed. If it is only partially completed, contact the History or Political Science Department for information on completing this requirement. If this is only partially completed, see an advisor for further information
ADVANCED COMPOSITION Transfer students may have fulfilled this requirement with a lower-division advanced composition course. Transfer students who have not completed this requirement must take English 1002. As transfer students, you can satisfy the advanced composition requirement with ENGL 1002 (College Writing II), or an equivalent transfer course. If the course you are using to clear Area A3, Critical Thinking, is on the IGETC Critical Thinking list, this same course can be used to clear your second composition requirement. However, because this does not give you any additional units toward the minimum number of G.E. units you need (72), you may need to take an additional four unit GE course. At a later time you may want to discuss this with an academic advisor.
Must Pass the WST or Approved Course (s) The University Writing Skills Requirement known as the “UWSR,” is a requirement for both undergraduates AND graduates and it is designed to ensure competency in writing the English language. This is not to be confused with the English Placement Test (the EPT). The only time that you can begin satisfying this requirement is when you have achieved junior status at 90 units minimum. You must attempt to take this test as soon as you earn 90 units, otherwise a hold will be placed on your next quarter’s registration. If you do not pass the first time around, depending on your essay score, you may have the option to retake the WST or you will need to take 1 or 2 additional courses in order to satisfy this requirement. For more information please refer to the testing website: Refer to Orientation Quick Links handout for Testing website. Can only be satisfied once you have reached Junior standing (90 quarter units).
Courses in this area provide an opportunity to develop an appreciation of the visual & performing arts & activities through direct experience. Some examples include: art, theatre, music, creative writing, PE, dance, etc. Note: As a transfer student, you may or may not have met this requirement. Courses in this area provide you with an opportunity to develop an appreciation of the visual and performing arts and activities through direct experience. You will be guided by participation toward an understanding of the techniques, processes, and possibilities inherent in such aspects of culture as art, theatre, music, creative writing, and sport. Courses in this area will enhance your development through accomplishment. At least 40% of the class time in these courses must be activity or performance. Once you have received your Degree Progress Report, please check to see if this requirement has been met. If not, please go to for a list of courses that will fulfill this requirement.
Coursework in this area must recognize the contributions to American civilization, culture and knowledge that members of various cultural groups, women, and gay and lesbian people have made. Note: As a transfer student, you may or may not have met this requirement. A minimum of 4 Quarter units of coursework applicable to the General Education-Breadth Requirements must recognize the contributions to American civilization and knowledge that members of various cultural groups and women have made. The purpose of this G.E. requirement is to provide you with an introduction to the research, literature, and methodologies of the disciplines of ethnic studies and gender/women's studies from historical, cultural, social, and economic perspectives. Courses are taught by faculty committed to the four competencies listed below and are designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of the contributions to U.S. society made by cultural groups [African Americans, Asian Americans, Latino(a) Americans, Native Americans] women, and Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, and Transgender (hereafter referred to as "groups"). The Cultural Groups/Women’s Requirement may be satisfied simultaneously with one of the above lower or upper division Area G.E. requirements, or as a separate course selected from Cal State East Bay's Cultural Groups/Women list. This requirement can also be satisfied by a lower division G.E. transfer course that meets the CSUEB criteria. Once you have received your Degree Progress Report, please check to see if this requirement has been met. If not, please refer to the Upper Division Online General Education Requirements link: OLTO UD GE F08.doc for a list of courses that will fulfill this requirement.
GENERAL EDUCATION 2004 – 2009 GE Pattern* Required units: 60 lower division and 12 upper division units = 72 total A: Communication in English (12 units) B: Natural Sciences & Math (16 units**) C: Humanities (16 units**) D: Social Sciences (16 units**) E: Lifelong Learning (4 units) *Earlier GE Patterns vary slightly: see audit **includes one 4-unit upper division course A total of 72 quarter units of coursework are required to meet the General Education-Breadth Requirements. Normally, no course taken in the major department, as designated by course prefix, may be applied to the 72-unit G.E. program. For example, if you are a Biology major, you cannot take any biology classes for your GE. Exceptions are: (1) B1-3, C1-3, D1-3 unless certified by California community colleges and/or other CSU campuses; (2) a course required for the major, but not offered by the major department, may be applied to G.E. No course taken to satisfy the U.S. History, U.S. Constitution, and California State and Local Government requirement may be applied to G.E. unless certified by California community colleges or other CSU campuses. No cooperative education courses may be applied to G.E. Once you have received your Degree Progress Report, check for your GE Catalog Year and go to to review your requirements.
Your major is a large portion of your
10 MAJOR REQUIREMENTS Your major is a large portion of your Bachelor’s degree. Contact an advisor in your major department to find out where to begin with your major. The online catalog also lists your major requirements. If you are unsure about which major to pursue, Academic Advising and Career Education (Main Campus) or Academic Services (Concord Campus) will assist you in your search for an appropriate field of study. The largest portion of your degree is completing your major requirements. Later in this Online Orientation Session, you will be given a link to your major requirements.
ADVISING AT CSUEB If you have questions regarding your: Major Minor
GE & Graduation Major Department Minor Department Academic Advising and Career Education (Hayward Campus) Academic Services (Concord Campus) There are multiple advisors at CSUEB, so to get the right answer, please ask the right advisor. Major questions should be directed to the major department. Questions about the minor, go directly to the minor department. And questions about GE and general graduation requirements, contact Academic Advisingthe University Advisement Center at
Pop Quiz! 4. You need a minimum of _____ units to graduate.
A units B. 140 units C. 180 units 5. You are on Academic Probation when your GPA falls below _____. A. 2.0 B. 2.2 C. 2.7 You need a minimum of ______ units to graduate. 100 units 140 units 180 units You are on Academic probation when you GPA falls below ________. 2.0 2.2 2.7 If you are unsure about which major to pursue, name at least one department that will assist you in your search for an appropriate field of study? 6. If you are unsure about which major to pursue, name at least one department that will assist you in your search for an appropriate field of study?
Key Points: RESPONSIBLE ADVISING Plan Ahead Ask Questions to Clarify
Concerns Keep a File for Advising Records Some key points about responsible advising: You want to get advising as early as possible. Try to schedule and seek advising sessions at least once a quarter. We encourage you to prepare in advance a list of questions for your advisor.
Create a Class Schedule that is Manageable Utilize Campus Resources Blend GE with your Major Courses when possible Check the Catalog for Course Descriptions & Prerequisites We want to leave you with some last transitional tips before you start your first quarter here at CSUEB: Be on the conservative side your first quarter at CSUEB. Enroll for about 12 units your first quarter here, and once you get used to the quarter system, then you can increase your units in your future quarters. Utilize your online campus resources. Set up a plan of action. Make sure to strike a good balance between GE courses and your major courses. Be sure to check the catalog for prerequisites.
Be Wise - Be Advised! Remember… CHARTING YOUR COURSE
I wish you the best on your first quarter at Cal State East Bay! Again, welcome to our university, and I want to leave you with a saying that we embrace at Academic Advising and Career Education. . . Be Wise - Be Advised! Be Wise - Be Advised!
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