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“Raptus” or Rape in the Middle Ages

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Presentation on theme: "“Raptus” or Rape in the Middle Ages"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Raptus” or Rape in the Middle Ages

2 Modern definition “A forced sexual act without the consent of the victim.” Today rape is the subject of many social cause advertisements and is an issue focused on by many social justice advocates.

3 Statistics (

4 Medieval definition Referred to as the Latin word “raptus” meaning to seize or take by force Rape was not defined necessarily by a sexual act, but by the abduction of a woman (who would have been considered the property of her father or husband)

5 Modern literature

6 Medieval Literature “The Wife of Bath’s Tale”
Chaucer was accused of raptus according to legal records from 1380, but was exonerated of the charges. How does the history of raptus and Chaucer’s own experience impact “The Wife of Bath’s Tale”?

7 Contrast the legal consequences of rape from the middle ages to today
Contrast the legal consequences of rape from the middle ages to today. How have they changed? Could a story like the Wife of Bath’s occur today? Why or why not? On your sticky note

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