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Vocabulary for Northern Europe

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1 Vocabulary for Northern Europe

2 Middle Ages Approximatly 500 A.D. to 1500 A.D. in Europe; this is considered the time bewteen ancient and modern times.

3 Feudalism A system in which monarchs or lords gave land to nobles in return for pledges of loyalty.

4 Reformation A religious movement of the 1500’s that lessened the power of the Roman Catholic Church and introduced Protestantism to Europe.

5 Enlightenment A movement to value reason and logic and question tradition.

6 Industrial Revolution
The introduction of machines to do the work of people that transformed manufacturing in Europe.

7 Industrial Capitalism
An economic system in which owners used profits to expand their companies.

8 Communism A philosophy that called for economic equality and ownership of resources by workers.

9 The Cold War After World War II, the division of Europe led to this period, one in which there was a power struggle between the Soviet-controlled Communist world and the American-led Western world.

10 European Union A political and economic organization of European nations that provides goods, services, and workers to move freely among member countries.

11 Romanticism In the late 1700’s, this movement – one that focused on emotions, stirring historical events, and the struggle of individuals – influenced Europe.

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