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Texas Reconstruction.

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1 Texas Reconstruction

2 Disagreements In order for Texas to be readmitted to the US they had to approve the new US constitution Texas legislature did not agree with the newly added 13th and 14th amendment Abolished slavery and granted citizenship to former slaves US congress did not agree with the Black Codes

3 Radical Republicans Wanted stricter standards for southern states to be admitted back to the US Also wanted to protect the AA freedoms Wanted AA to have as many rights as possible so they would vote for Republicans to keep them in power

4 Requirements for Statehood
States had to adopt a new state constitution that gave AA the right to vote Also had to allow AA the right to be elected States had to adopt the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment Freedom, citizenship, right to vote Repeal the Black Codes

5 A Republican Governor In order for Texans to vote they had to swear they were never part of the Confederacy Ironclad Oath Kept several voters from voting and allowed a Republican to be elected instead of a Democrat Edmund Davis elected as governor

6 Edmund Davis Was disliked by most Texans
Established the state troopers Many Texans disagreed because he allowed minority officers Established the State Board of Education Provides standards and policies for education Established property and sales tax Helps fund the state and local governments

7 Assignment Copy and answer the following questions on a sheet of paper
What disagreements did the Texas legislature have by joining the US? What disagreements did the US congress have for Texas to join the US? Why did radical republicans want stricter standards? How did a Republican become the governor of Texas? What 3 major policies did Davis establish while governor? List three standards Texas had to meet in order to rejoin the United States.

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