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The Three World Religions

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1 The Three World Religions
Copyright © 2002 Glenna R. Shaw and FTC Publishing All Rights Reserved



Europe is home to many religions. There are three main religions, however. These are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These religions have some similarities and even a common history. They are also different in their beliefs about God and man. Sometimes these beliefs cause disagreements between people. Disagreements can even happen between people of the same religious group. Religion has been very important in the history of Europe. Wars have been fought, and government leaders have been changed, because of religious issues. Today, most Europeans have the legal freedom to choose their religion. Most Europeans recognize and respect the rights of others to choose their own religion.

5 Three World Religions MAIN IDEA: Three major world religions began in Southwest Asia. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have become major world faiths. All three religions are examples of Monotheism, or the belief in one God.

6 Judaism Oldest of the three Religions Founded by Abraham
traces its heritage to the covenant God made with Abraham that God would make them a sacred people and give them a holy land. Called Jews/Jewish Believes in 1 God- Monotheistic Holy book- Torah Worships in a synagogue with a raabi Founded in Caanan – present day Israel

7 Judaism Southwest Asia

8 Judaism The Torah is the most important Jewish scripture – Holy Book
It contains the basic laws of Judaism. Talmud is the written version of the Oral Law

9 Judaism Today there are over 15 million followers of Judaism scattered throughout the world. A large number of those people live in the Jewish nation of Israel. Over six million live in the United States.

10 Judaism Symbol – The Star of David

11 Judaism Additional Facts
Matrilineal - anyone with a Jewish mother also has irrevocable Jewish status; in other words, even if someone with a Jewish mother converts to another religion, that person still is considered Jewish. Prays 3 times a day Observes /Celebrates - Passover, Rosh Hashanah, Hanukkah Does not eat pork – Kosher Diet Jews in Europe were nearly wiped out by Hitler and Nazi Germany

12 Judaism The Wailing Wall Jerusalem
Place of prayer and pilgrimage, sacred to Jewish people – they go here to weep for the destruction of their temples…they leave prayer notes in the cracks

13 Christianity Judaism gave rise to another monotheistic religion-Christianity. Founded in Southwest Asia Patriarch/Founder – Abraham/Jesus Christ Followers – Christians Worship in a church with a priest/minister/pastor Holy book- Bible More than 2.1 Billion followers today

14 Christianity Additional Facts Largest religion in the world
Based on teaching of Jesus Christ Special rituals- baptism, Holy Communion Celebrate Christmas and Easter 22,000 Christian groups called denominations Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, ect.

15 Christianity Symbol - Cross

16 Church Of The Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem
marks the spot where Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrected. It’s one of Christianity’s most important religious sites.

17 Islam Southwest Asia

18 Islam The holy book of Islam is the Koran or Quran.
Allah, is the Islamic God. Place of worship is called a Mosque. It has about 1.3 billion followers, most of them in the region north and east of the Mediterranean Sea.

19 Islam Additional Facts
Must complete the 5 Pillars of Islam Declaration of faith Pray 5 times a day Give to the poor Fast during Ramadan Pilgrimage to Mecca Over several centuries, Islam spread into areas of Asia, North Africa, and parts of Europe. Diet – No Pork Spread by conquest The two largest groups of Muslims are the Sunnis and the Shiites; the Sunnis account for 90% of the world’s Muslims They believe Abraham and Jesus were prophets, but Muhammed was the last prophet

20 Islam Symbol – Crescent Moon

21 Islam

22 Islam The Dome of the Rock Jerusalem
Islamic shrine in Jerusalem contains the Foundation Stone and marks the spot where Muhammed ascended to heaven

23 Jerusalem, holy to all three religions…


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