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Skills And Attributes - of an Effective Mentor

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Presentation on theme: "Skills And Attributes - of an Effective Mentor"— Presentation transcript:

1 Skills And Attributes - of an Effective Mentor
Objectives ……….. Introductions – mentoring is…..exercise What is mentoring – establish a common meaning Possible answers: A more experienced person with knowledge of subject. Gives advice, leads, sets goals, encourages, supports One sentence – Mentoring is a process of facilitating learning Keith Baldwin

2 Mentoring Skills Support Challenge Vision Mentor by Laurent Daloz
Three key attributes of Mentoring – why are these important? Guiding the Journey of Adult Learners Similar to being the parent of adult Children….. Keith Baldwin

3 Support/Challenge Balance
High Retreat Growth Challenge Stasis Confirmation Retreat “I just try to stay off the radar screen…..” Stasis “Hi…can I help you” Low Support High Daloz p208 Keith Baldwin

4 Mentoring Skills - Support
Listening - rephrase content/reflect feeling Providing structure - personal attention, short/achievable & specific assignments Positive expectations - present & future Advocate Creating a positive learning environment + building trusting relationship Safe Space OK as I am…and capable of moving forward…. Listening – creating a space, sense of trust that lets people feel free to share a piece of their heart…sacred ground…. Stephen Covey - we don’t see the world as it is, we see the world as we are” How do they see the world, make sense of it Accept concerns and fears…don’t rush to tell them it’s ok…Men are from Mars, Women are from venus….John Gray ( wife bought for me..) Peeling the onion … loss story Structure – Ken Blanchard – “A river without banks is just a puddle” Positive expectations – had faith in me, even when I didn’t Advocate – boost up corporate ladder, introduce, key projects, how to navigate politics Keith Baldwin

5 Mentoring Skills - Challenge
Creative tension Stretch roles Setting high standards Cognitive Dissonance – need to close the gap between where we see our selves now and where we could be…. Mentors seek to make mentees aware of these gaps Students growth – developing ability to look at own performance objectively, ask their own questions, discern their own answers and decide how they’ve done…. Projects – looking forward with fear contrasted with the feeling once it’s accomplished…. Keith Baldwin

6 Mentoring Skills - Vision
“Leap, and the Net will Appear” Modeling – our journey, our thirst for knowledge and self-development Reflection Good: mentor mirrors Best: mentee reflections Combines both support and challenge – help them see the possibilities “leap, and the net will appear” American author to….zen saying……while mentor stays around for support…. Reflections – ask the right questions at the right time, encourage mentees to reflect on their activities and growth Keith Baldwin

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