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You’re Invited to NOTICE!

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Presentation on theme: "You’re Invited to NOTICE!"— Presentation transcript:

1 You’re Invited to NOTICE!

2 Read this sentence. What do you notice?
Nick Allen had plenty of ideas, and he knew what to do with them. --Andrew Clements, Frindle

3 Read this sentence. What do you notice?
I think about going in my room now, but it smells like the inside of an old lunch bag in there. -Gennifer Choldenko, Al Capone Does my Shirts

4 More Mentor Sentences What pattern do you notice
More Mentor Sentences What pattern do you notice? What does the pattern do? The dark scares us, for we don’t know what is waiting in the dark. -Alvin Schwartz, Scary Stories 3: More tales to Chill Your Bones He flails and tries to swim away, but the current is too powerful. -Cecelia Tishy, All in One Piece He tried to stare into her fiery gaze, but he couldn’t stop looking at the purple vein bulging in her forehead. -Brian Meehl, Out of Patience

5 Meet…The FANBOYS!!! Goal: You will use the FANBOYS words to combine simple sentences into compound sentences. For And Nor But Or Yet So

6 Compound Sentence Pattern

7 Now, you’re invited to IMITATE!
See the pattern? Sentence, FANBOYS Sentence. Pick a sentence below you like. There was only about a block to go before our bus stop, but I couldn’t stand Stephen’s whining another second. -Andrew Clements, The Report Card It’s Friday night, and Mom is yelling at me because I won’t eat the chicken she cooked for dinner. -Sarah Littman, Confessions of a Closet Catholic Draft your sentence! I am looking for classroom mentor sentences. (2 minutes)

8 Invitation to EDIT I love ice cream. I don’t eat too much of it.
Choose the CORRECT way to combine the following sentences. I love ice cream. I don’t eat too much of it. A. I love ice cream, I don’t eat too much of it. B. I love ice cream, but I don’t eat too much of it. C. I love ice cream, so I don’t eat too much of it. D. I love ice cream but I don’t eat too much of it.

9 Invitation to EDIT Combine these two sentences into a compound sentence using a FANBOY!  He couldn’t wait to get off the bus. He still had 5 more stops to go.

10 Expanding upon your details…
Use the list of words and phrases that naturally allow you to explain the details. Example: People should wear wool clothing, such as hats, socks, and sweaters. This is important because wool is one of the only materials that keeps heat in even when wet. People should seek shelter from the cold, wind, and rain. Shelter is critical because the victim’s body temperature will continue to drop is not warmed up immediately.

11 Revision Shopping List
Capitalization First letter in a sentence Proper nouns First letter of a quote Compound Sentences 2 complete thoughts Joined by FANBOYS End punctuation Replace ordinary words Very, a lot, some, etc. Use “ctl F” to locate words you think you might over use, or are boring Receipt (proof that you did it )

12 Name________________ Ticket Out
DIRECTIONS: Choose the CORRECT way to combine the following sentences. Mrs. Vollman loves her class. She will be sad to leave them. A. Mrs. Vollman loves her class so she will be sad to leave them. B. Mrs. Vollman loves her class, she will be sad to leave them. C. Mrs. Vollman loves her class, so she will be sad to leave them. D. Mrs. Vollman loves her class, but she will be sad to leave them.

13 Invitation to REVISE/EDIT
DIRECTIONS: Combine these two sentences into a compound sentence using a FANBOY word.  She wanted to pay attention. There was an annoying buzzing sound coming from the desk next to hers.

14 Receipt (proof that you did it ) Shopping List
Name_________________________________________________________ Revision Shopping List Receipt (proof that you did it ) Shopping List Capitalization First letter in a sentence Proper nouns First letter of a quote Compound Sentences 2 complete thoughts Joined by FANBOYS End punctuation Replace ordinary words Very, a lot, some, etc. Use “ctl F” to locate words you think you might over use, or are boring Elaborate on the details Is your paper approximately 2 pgs long? Did you use the expansion words/phrases sheet? This shows… As a result… __________________________________ Choose something else that you think YOU need to work on…

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