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SUMMARY OF Teacher Preparation In US

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1 SUMMARY OF Teacher Preparation In US

2 Procedures to become a physical educator in the united states
There are three basic requirements to become a physical educator in the United States: Attend a college or university and obtain a Bachelor’s Degree Participate in a Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) program Obtain a teaching license

3 Procedures to Become a Physical Educator in US
Earn a College degree in Physical Education Usually 4 to 5 years Must pass Praxis I test Must maintain 2.5 GPA Must complete 10 weeks of student teaching

4 Procedures to Become a Physical Educator in US
Obtain a teaching license Each state is different Most states require passing teacher exam NC requires passing Praxis II

5 Attending a college or university
Usually four to five year program Students take basic courses like English, Science, Math, Humanities and Fine Arts Students also take courses in Exercise and Sports Science like Motor Learning and Performance, Kinesiology, Anatomy and Physiology

6 Physical education teacher education (PETE)program
Participants needs maintain a 2.5 grade point average throughout their courses. Along with basic courses, students will also take sport classes such as basketball, baseball, dance, golf, tennis, fitness, archery, swimming and others depending on the college. Students will complete 10-weeks of student teaching in a school setting ranging from K-12.

7 Obtaining a License: Praxis I and Praxis II
During their college years, PE teacher candidates must also take the Praxis I. This test assesses basic skills in reading, writing and math. Must achieve passing scores on this test to continue with their PE teaching program. To obtain teaching license, teachers must take and pass the Praxis II. This test is specific to the subject area and different states have different passing scores for the test

8 Lateral Entry Licensure Programs
It is possible to become a PE teacher in the US without earning a degree in physical education. A teacher with a Bachelor’s degree can become a PE teacher by taking and passing the Praxis II test. After becoming a teacher, many trainings and workshops will be necessary to attend to uphold this degree.

9 Finding a job as a PE teacher
Send resumes to employers (schools) Interview Consisting of candidate, Principal, faculty member Questions asked regarding knowledge and “fit” for school Position offered Acceptance of position Credentials offered for approval Approval=teaching position

10 Two levels of licensure in north Carolina
Standard Professional 1 License Valid for first 3 years of teaching and is for teachers who have 0 to 2 years teaching experience Standard Professional 2 License Teachers will achieve with 3 or more years teaching experience Must be renewed every 5 years to remain valid Workshops are offered to help with credits for renewal

11 Description of teacher preparation programs
Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) programs are guided by the National Association for Sports and Physical Education’s (NASPE) National Standards. Consists of the following Six Standards

12 Standard One: Standard Two:
PE teaching candidates know and apply discipline-specific scientific and theoretical concepts critical to the developed of physically educated individuals Standard Two: PE teaching candidates are physically educated individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to demonstrate competent movement performance and health-enhancing fitness (AAHPERD, 2008)

13 Standard Three: Standard Four:
PE teaching candidates will plan and implement developmentally appropriate learning experiences aligned with local, state, and national standards to address the diverse needs of all students. Standard Four: PE teaching candidates will use effective communication and pedagogical skills and strategies to enhance student engagement and learning. (AAHPERD, 2008)

14 Standard Five: Standard Six:
PE teaching candidates will utilize assessments and reflection to foster student learning and to inform instructional decisions Standard Six: PE teaching candidates will demonstrate dispositions essential to becoming effective professionals (AAHPERD, 2008)

15 PETE Program: East Carolina University
128 credit hours total Foundation curriculum= 42 hours Ex. English, Science, Math, Humanities, Fine Arts Core curriculum= 38 hours Ex. Exercise and Sport Science courses Academic concentration= 18 hours Ex. Human studies Professional preparation= 30 hours Ex. Educational theory and educational technology **Minimum of 2.5 GPA Required

16 ECU Pete program example
Exercise and Sport Science courses Courses in games, sports, dance, movement Content that is to be taught in schools Examples Motor Learning, Gymnastics in Schools, Introduction to Biomechanics Teaching physical education with special populations (adaptive physical education)

17 ECU PETE program example
Other requirements Passing of a fitness test/assessment Completion of clinical teaching Student teaching in public schools 10 weeks of clinical teaching required Completion of professional portfolio Documents experiences, class work, etc.

18 Strengths of PETE programs in USA
By offering many courses, PETE programs provide a well-rounded education for individuals Do a good job to help prepare future PE teachers to be able to teach the knowledge and skills necessary to their students, regardless of the age group

19 Weaknesses of PETE programs in USA
Need to better prepare individuals for “real world” settings. How to manage discipline in the classroom How to work with limited equipment and limited space Need to help future PE teachers know and understand how to collect data and use data as a resource for their teaching

20 Recommendations to Improve PETE programs
To have a few more classes teaching about how to deal with the “every day” aspects of teaching How to deal with an angry parent What to do if a child doesn’t care about their grade and refuses to do any work or participate How to prepare for a class of 50 students with a small gym and limited equipment To emphasize the importance of data collection and the need to reflect on the lessons that you teach

21 References American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance – AAHPERD.(2008). Retrieved March 2013, from 8-National-Initial-Physical-Education-Teacher-Education- Standards-Edited pdf Public Schools of North Carolina, Department of Public Instruction (n.d.).NC Essential Standards Alignment. Retrieved from standards/healthful-living/nc-essential-standards.pdf Sample PETE Research Paper (2013) Sample Teaching Physical Education in School Paper (2013)

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