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6th Grade SBA Review 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "6th Grade SBA Review 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 6th Grade SBA Review 2015

2 1. You notice a rock getting smaller and changing shape over time
1. You notice a rock getting smaller and changing shape over time. What causes this?

3 Weathering by wind, rain removed some parts.

4 2. What type of weathering ate away the chalk in the lab we did?

5 Chemical weathering

6 3. Convection in air or liquids takes place because

7 As liquids and air heat up they become less dense and rise

8 4. Cool air masses tend to

9 Sink and go under warm air masses because cold air is more dense

10 5. Clouds are really

11 Condensation droplets that are floating since they are so small

12 6. The ozone hole is caused by

13 The use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s) in air conditioning and refrigerators that was allowed to escape into the atmosphere and float up and break the 3 ozone molecules apart

14 7. Which of these is a renewable energy source?
Natural gas Coal Wood (biomass) copper

15 Wood which can be called Biomass

16 8. Which of earth’s spheres is frozen?

17 Cryosphere

18 9. In the summer days at the beach the water is ________ than the land and creates a __________________.

19 In the summer days at the beach the water is _COOLER_______ than the land and creates a _SEA BREEZE.

20 10. A green film of algae in a pond is an example of the human impact from ____________.

21 Fertilizers which cause algae growth called eutrophication

22 11. The spinning of the Earth that causes winds to curve is called the

23 Coriolis Effect

24 12. What is a convergent boundary?

25 A place where plates move toward each other and often create mountains

26 13. What kind of boundary is creating the mid-ocean ridge?

27 A divergent boundary where the plates are moving apart and new magma is risng up.

28 14. Most geologists rejected Alfred Wegener’s idea of continental drift because

29 Could not explain the force that moved continents through the oceans

30 15. In the process of sea-floor spreading, Which part of the sea floor is more dense-the one by the continent edge or the new one in the middle?

31 The crust by the continent since it is cooled

32 16.The convection currents flow in which of Earth’s layers?

33 Asthenosphere (upper mantle)

34 17. What is the difference between earth’s inner and outer cores?

35 The inner core is solid metal and the outer core is liquid metal.

36 18. How is the sun’s layers similar to earth’s?

37 The sun has a hot core and heat passes out to create a convection layer. Earth has a hot core and heat passes through its layers and out to the asthenosphere where convection currents occur.

38 19. How do convection currents transfer energy?

39 Energy is transferred by the movement of molecules in matter—matter is heated and rises and cools and falls where it is next to the heat source and heats again and rises and the cycle is repeated over and over.

40 20. Why do some terrestrial planets and our moon get more craters that others?

41 The earth has an atmosphere which creates friction as the object falls and burns up before it hits earth. Other terrestrial planets such as Mercury and the moon do not have an atmosphere.

42 21. Which part of the water cycle occurs when vapor is cooled and becomes a liquid?

43 condensation

44 22. What causes spring tides? (Not the season spring)

45 When the moon and the sun are both pulling on earth from the same direction.

46 23. Early astronomers believed in the geocentric model of our solar system. Define the geocentric model.

47 The earth is the center of the solar system and even the sun orbited earth.

48 24. How is the period of revolution affected by the AU, distance from the sun? In this lab we did what did your team conclude?

49 The smaller the AU distance from the sun, the shorter the period of revolution.

50 25. We did a science investigation and built and launched alka- seltzer rockets. List the independent variable, the dependent variable and some constants.

51 Independent was the mass
Dependent was the rocket height Constants included same canister, same amount of water, same amount or alka-seltzer, same launch pad and same person launching

52 26. When you conduct an experiment you repeat it many times to verify your data. What is it called when another person conducts your exact experiment?

53 Replication

54 27. Lisa notices that the water levels at a beach rise and fall during the day. What is this called?

55 Tides

56 28. The beach sometimes has sand in different locations
28. The beach sometimes has sand in different locations. What process causes this?

57 Deposition of sediment

58 29. What is it called when rainfall washes away soil?

59 erosion

60 30. Which sphere is in all 4 other spheres?

61 biosphere

62 31. Many processes change earth’s surface. Name one that occurs slowly.

63 Plate movements build mountains, create new crust at the mid-ocean ridge and change earth’s physical appearance slowly.

64 32. The wearing away of rock by the grinding of rocks together or by sand rubbing it is called

65 abrasion

66 33. What are the 2 conditions that allow geologists to apply the Law of Superposition to determine the comparative age of rock layers?

67 The layers must be undisturbed and horizontal to say the bottom layer is the oldest and the top is the youngest

68 34. The amount of water vapor in air is called

69 humidity

70 35. List some benefits the earth receives from our atmosphere that would not exist if we did not have one?

71 Protects life from harmful UV rays
Allows Earth to be not too cold or not too hot “the Goldilocks Condition” We have weather

72 36. A natural satellite is called a

73 moon

74 37. Scientists think the moon was formed when

75 a large object struck Earth, and material from both bodies combined and was captured by Earth’s gravitational orbit

76 38. What is it called when one tectonic plate sinks below another?

77 subduction

78 36. The model in which the sun is at the center of the system of planets is called the

79 Heliocentric model

80 40. The tendency of a moving object to continue moving in a straight line or a stationary object to remain in place is called

81 inertia

82 41. The sun produces energy by

83 Nuclear fusion

84 42. What does geothermal mean?

85 Geothermal is heat caused by Earth’s core and causes earthquakes, volcanoes, mountains, etc.

86 43. Name a type of radiation from the Electromagnetic Spectrum that is not harmful.

87 Radio waves, Microwaves, visible light,

88 44. Spectrographs help astronomers determine the

89 Temperature of, and elements in stars

90 45. How can humans cause desertification?

91 By deforestation: cutting down trees, and overgrazing of animals which allows the topsoil to blow away.

92 46. What causes seasons on earth?

93 Planet is tilted on its axis

94 46. The distance light travels in a year is called a

95 Light year

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