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Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)1 Committee on Curriculum The Committee on Curriculum is a standing committee of the Academic Senate. The Committee recommends.

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Presentation on theme: "Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)1 Committee on Curriculum The Committee on Curriculum is a standing committee of the Academic Senate. The Committee recommends."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)1 Committee on Curriculum The Committee on Curriculum is a standing committee of the Academic Senate. The Committee recommends to the Academic Senate new or revised curricula and courses Academic departments file applications for new/revised curricula/ courses with the Committee Approved applications are forwarded to the Academic Senate.

2 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)2 Submissions Submissions to the Committee on Curriculum are: New Programs –degree programs –certificate programs New Courses Program Revisions Course Revisions

3 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)3 Information available for submissions Guide for Committee on Curriculum Members PowerPoint orientation Both, Guide and PowerPoint presentation, provide a guideline for the submission process. You may look at Guide or PowerPoint presentation in its entirety, or you may just access the parts that pertain to your purpose at:

4 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)4 General Information There is a timeline for submissions to the Committee on Curriculum Committee on Curriculum meets on Tuesdays at 2 pm in H345. >> Submit proposals 3 weeks prior to a meeting QCC Senate meets once a month >> See QCC website for Senate meeting dates >> Submit proposal 6 weeks prior to the next Senate meeting Templates for submission to the Committee can be found on the Governance website, i.e. WWW.QCC.CUNY.EDU > AboutUs > Governance > Academic Senate > Committees > Standing > Curriculum > Documents & Articles. (See Att. #3, Att.#4, and Att.#6)See Att. #3, Att.#4, and Att.#6 All materials must be submitted electronically using Microsoft Word

5 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)5 Curriculum Submissions: Overview (See Guidelines for submissions: Comm. on Curr. Guide, Att..#3 and Att.#17)Comm. on Curr. Guide, Att..#3 and Att.#17 Discussion within Academic Department Accepted proposals are sent to the Steering Committee to be put on the Senate agenda for vote Rejected proposal is sent back to the Dept. with reasons for rejection Senate Submit Proposal 6 weeks prior to the next Senate meeting. Revised Course/Program or New Course will be put in the QCC Catalog only after being approved by the Senate and the Board of Trustees See QCC website regarding Senate meeting dates. TOC Curriculum Committee Incomplete proposals will be returned to Dept. for additional information Discuss w/ Off. Acad. Affairs Program Revisions see New Programs firstNew Programs Course Revisions New Courses Links

6 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)6 1.A. New programs B. Streamlined approvalNew programsStreamlined approval 2.New coursesNew courses 3.Program revisionsProgram revisions 4.Course revisionsCourse revisions 5.A. Guidelines and templates B. Deadlines and requirementsGuidelines and templatesDeadlines and requirements OVERVIEW Procedures for submission Table of Contents Links

7 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)7 Discussion within Academic Dept. Meeting w/ Off. Academic Affairs (OAA) Departmental Curriculum Committee approval Committee on Curriculum QCC Senate OAA >> 80 th. Street >> CUNY College Presidents OAA + Acad. Dept. Develop full proposal CAPPR recommends proposal to BOT (Board of Trustees) Review Procedures for submitting (see CC Guide Att.3 and Att.15)CC Guide Att.3 and Att.15 SED approval >> Marketing of New Program officially begins New Program Overview OVERVIEW TOC Meeting w/ New Program Development Committee 1. OAA; 2. Inst. Research; 3. Career Services; 4. Budgets Links

8 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)8 1.A. New Program Development: Overview 1.A.1. informal proposal 1.Discuss the idea with Academic Chair & Departmental Curriculum Committee 2.Meet with OAA to discuss program feasibility and proposal process and send a copy of the summary – for information only – to the Chair or the Committee on Curriculum. 3.Review procedures for submitting curriculum proposals ( Guide, Att. #3, Att.#17 and Att.#18: Revised Faculty Handbook for the Preparation of Academic Programs) Guide, Att. #3, Att.#17 and Att.#18

9 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)9 1.A. New Program Development: Overview 1.A.1. informal proposal (contd) 4.To strategize and plan proposal, arrange meeting with New Program Development Committee: a.OAA b.Institutional Research c.Career Services d.Budgets 5.Meet with Institutional Research, for institutional information and development of campus and industry survey

10 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)10 1.A. New Program Development: Overview 1.A.2. formal proposal 1.If program is marketable and feasible, then move to formal proposal stage (in consultation with OAA) 2.After departmental approval send proposal to the Chair of the Committee on Curriculum 3.When approved, Committee on Curriculum submits proposal to QCC Senate 4.If approved by Senate, OAA sends letter of intent to 80th Street (from document prepared for Comm. on Curr.), for distribution to all CUNY college presidents for comments 5.After comments from CUNY colleges, full proposal is requested by 80th Street

11 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)11 1.A. New Program Development: Overview 1.A.3. Full proposal 1. Dept. works with OAA to develop full proposal, with all supporting documents, for submission to CAPPR (Committee on Academic Programs, Policy, and Review), a subcommittee of the BOT (Board of Trustees) which formally approves proposal 2.CAPPR recommends proposal to BOT for approval. 3. After formal approval by BOT, program proposal is forwarded by 80th Street to the SED (State Education Department) 4. Final approval from SED is received for the new program; marketing of new program may officially begin

12 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)12 1.A. New Program Development: Details of the process 1. Letter of intent => 2. Preparation of full proposal 1. Letter of intent 1.1 Preparation of document for committee on curriculum –Purpose and goals –Need –Students –Program curriculum: narrative and tables* –Faculty –Cost assessment: narrative and tables* * tables and other electronic documents or forms available from OAA.

13 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)13 1.A.New Program Development: Details of the process 1.Letter of intent (contd) 1.2 Presentation of program to Committee on Curriculum 1.3 Presentation of program to Senate 1.4 Submission of letter of intent to 80th Street for distribution: add cover letter to document 1.5 Comments from CUNY presidents 1.6 Summary of comments from 80th Street are sent to QCC

14 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)14 1.A.New Program Development: Details of the process 2. Preparation of full proposal 2.1. Purpose and goals 2.2. Need and justification 2.3. Students 2.4. Program curriculum: narrative and tables* * tables and other electronic documents or forms available from OAA.

15 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)15 2.5. Cost assessment –Narrative –Faculty –Facilities and equipment –Library and instructional materials –Faculty tables * –Budget tables * 2.6. Evaluation –Internal evaluation and outcomes assessment –External evaluation * tables and other electronic documents or forms available from OAA. 1.A.New Program Development: Details of the process

16 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)16 1.A.New Program Development: Details of the process 2.7. Appendices App. A: Course descriptions for all courses in major, syllabi for all new courses App. B: Faculty curricula vitae App. C: Survey instruments and results (if applicable) App. D: Letters of support (from industry if terminal degree) App. E: Articulation agreements* (if an A.A. or A.S.) App. F: Affiliation agreements* (if cooperative arrangements with agencies) App. G: Complete reports of outside evaluators, if applicable *tables and other electronic documents or forms available from OAA.

17 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)17 1.A.New Program Development: Details of the process 3.Submission to 80th St. => Comments from 80th St. 4.Revisions and preparation of final document 5.Submission of final proposal to 80th Street for presentation to CAPPR 6.Presentation at CAPPR for approval: President, VP for AA, chair of department, Vote of Board of Trustees 7.Submission by 80th St. of program proposal to SED 8.Official registration of program 9.Formal beginning of program offerings at college

18 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)18 1.A.New Program Development From the time the letter of intent is submitted to the Committee on Curriculum to the time the program is registered by the State Education Department, one should plan on at least a period of eight months* (*This should be the case if all deadlines fall in line conveniently along the way and revisions go very smoothly). OVERVIEW TOC Links

19 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)19 1.B. Proposal for Certificate program using a Streamlined Approval process (Committee on Curriculum Guide Attachment #18) (Committee on Curriculum Guide Attachment #18) 1.Streamlined approval is applicable only if certificate program is a subset of a registered program 2.Discuss completed proposal with the departmental curriculum committee and with the Office of Academic Affairs 3.After departmental approval, send proposal to the Chair of the Committee on Curriculum 4. If rejected, Committee on Curriculum Chair sends proposal back with reasons for rejection. The department may revise its proposal and resubmit it 4.If accepted, Comm. on Curr. Chair sends proposal to Steering Committee as part of the monthly report (with copy to Vice-President for Academic Affairs) to be put on the Senate agenda 5.After Senate approval, OAA includes program proposal in the University Report (see 6.Timing Att.#3)Att.#3 OVERVIEW TOC Links

20 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)20 2. New Courses 1.Discuss idea with Departmental Chair >> Read: Guidelines for SubmissionGuidelines for Submission 2.Complete New Course template using MS Word 3.Discuss proposal with the depart. curriculum committee and vote 4.Submit to Committee on Curriculum Chair for vote 5.Committee on Curriculum Chair posts (agenda) on Governance website 6.Committee on Curriculum may seek clarifications from department; then votes on proposal 7.If rejected, Committee on Curriculum Chair sends proposal back with reasons for rejection The department may revise its proposal and resubmit it 8. If accepted, Committee on Curriculum Chair sends it to the Senate Steering Committee as part of the monthly report (with copy to Vice-President for Academic Affairs) to be put on the Senate agenda 9. Senate votes: After approval, course revision is included in Chancellors report by OAA (see 6.Timing Att.#3)Att.#3 OVERVIEW TOC Links

21 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)21 3. Program Revisions The most common revisions are: 1.New or changed title 2.Change to curriculum content (courses) 3.Change to requirements (GPA, course sequence, etc.) 4.For all of the above use the format (Att.#6)Att.#6 From: xx-### Title etc. [deletion in brackets] To: xx-### Title etc. changes underlined Rationale: Give the rationale for the revision All materials must be submitted electronically using Microsoft Word OVERVIEW TOC Links

22 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)22 4. Course Revisions The most common revisions are: 1.New or changed title 2.New or change to course description 3.Change to requirements (co-requisite or pre-requisites) 4.For all of the above use the format (Att.#6)Att.#6 From: xx-### Title etc. [deletion in brackets] To: xx-### Title etc. changes underlined Rationale: Give the rationale for the revision All materials must be submitted electronically using Microsoft Word OVERVIEW TOC Links

23 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)23 4. Course revisions 1.Discuss idea with Departmental Chair => Read: Guidelines for SubmissionGuidelines for Submission 2.Complete Course Revisions template using MS Word (Att.#6)Att.#6 3.Discuss proposal with the departmental curriculum committee and vote 4.Submit to QCC Committee on Curriculum Chair for vote 5.Committee on Curriculum Chair posts (agenda) on Governance website 6.Committee on Curriculum may seek clarifications from department; then votes on proposal 7.If rejected, the proposal is returned with reasons for rejection. The department may revise its proposal and resubmit it 8. If accepted, Committee on Curriculum Chair sends it to the Senate Steering Committee as part of the monthly report (with copy to Vice-President for Academic Affairs) to be put on the Senate agenda 9. Senate votes: After approval, course revision is included in Chancellors report by OAA (see 6.Timing Att.#3)Att.#3 OVERVIEW TOC Links

24 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)24 5.A. Guidelines and Templates All Templates and Guidelines can be found on the Governance website (Curriculum > Documents)Templates and Guidelines OR WWW.QCC.CUNY.EDU > AboutUs > Governance > Academic Senate Committees > Standing > Curriculum > Documents & Articles Remember to use Microsoft Word when preparing all proposal documentation All materials must be submitted electronically using MS word OVERVIEW TOC Links

25 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)25 5.B. Deadlines and requirements Committee on Curriculum meets on Tuesdays at 2 pm in H345. >> Submit proposals 3 weeks prior to a meeting QCC Senate meets once a month >> See QCC website for Senate meeting dates >> Submit Proposal 6 weeks prior to the next Senate meeting Submissions approved by QCC Senate, are included in Chancellors report by OAA >> See OAA for Chancellors Report deadlines Revised Course/Program or New Course will be put in the QCC Catalog only after being approved by the Senate and the Board of Trustees New Program will be put in the QCC Catalog only after approval by Senate, BOT, and SED. OVERVIEW TOC Links

26 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)26 FINAL REMINDERS For a smooth process: Watch deadlines, follow guidelines, remember to send everything electronically OVERVIEW TOC Links

27 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)27 Prepared by: L. B. Ellis in cooperation with OAA: Dean K. Steele, A. Corradetti CCS Members: F. Cotty (Biology) P. Pecorino (Social Sciences) R. Rusinek (Mathematics) N. Tully (Nursing) K. Villani (Business) R. Yuster (ECET) ACC: B. Naples, D. Moretti OVERVIEW TOC Links

28 Curric. Comm. 2003-05 (L.B.Ellis)28 Committee on Curriculum 2005-2006 Members: F. Cotty (Biology), Chair S. Karimi (Chemistry) A. Kolios (Business) E. Tai (History) P. Pecorino (Social Sciences) Liaison R. Rusinek (Mathematics) N. Tully (Nursing), Secretary R. Yuster (ECET) OAA: Dean K. Steele (ex-officio)

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