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Study of Authority, Part III

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1 Study of Authority, Part III
A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

2 Study of Authority 3 Two lessons ago:
Began with definition of authority The legal right to exercise power Need for authority in business, school, home Authority is also needed in religious matters Christ is our Authority A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

3 Study of Authority 3 Last lesson:
Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority, that is HOW to determine God’s will from His Word Direct Statement or Command Apostolic Example Necessary Inference A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

4 Study of Authority 3 This week we want to look at:
Two kinds of Authority The use of Expedients A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

5 Two Types of Authority Generic Specific A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3
INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

6 Generic Authority Generic – “General, opposite to specific” Webster
Generic includes all methods or ways of doing the thing Authorized A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

7 Specific Authority Specific – “Precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit” (ibid) Specific Authority restricts us to that which is precisely or explicitly given A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

8 Examples of Generic & Specific
Genesis Build the ark – generic authority (no method specified) Gopher wood – specific authority (material specified) A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

9 Examples of Generic & Specific
Exodus “Animal” would have been generic authority But verse 5 specifies what kind of animal – specific authority To the EXCLUSION of all else! A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

10 Examples of Generic & Specific
Matthew “Go” is generic authority no specific way of going is named no specific example is given and there is no implication that one way was to be used over another A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

11 Expedients things that assist in accomplishing a task
A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

12 Misuses of Expedients Men seek to justify a lot of things saying they can be practiced as expediencies Common concept “the end justifies the means” so that anything that will accomplish what WE think to be good, whether authorized or not, is permissible. A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

13 Use of Expedients In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency, it must facilitate in the accomplishment of GOD’S will and must harmonize with HIS Word. A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

14 Use of Expedients As we are using the term “expedient” here, it involves the right of choice of those things included in what God has authorized. A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

15 Use of Expedients For a thing to be an acceptable expedient, it must be lawful 1 Cor (Paul speaking of foods) “All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.” A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

16 Use of Expedients For a thing to be an acceptable expedient, it must be lawful 1 Cor (Paul again speaking of foods) “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify.” A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

17 Use of Expedients Anything that is NOT authorized is unlawful and sinful 2 John “Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him; 11 for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds.” A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

18 Use of Expedients Anything that is NOT authorized is unlawful and sinful 2 Cor. 5.7 “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” Rom “But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because he does not eat from faith; for whatever is not from faith is sin.” A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

19 Use of Expedients Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of God’s will. Keep in mind it is not the Preacher or the Desire of the congregation that are the Source of our Authority. A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

20 Use of Expedients For a thing to be an expedient, it cannot be specified…that is it cannot be used IN PLACE of something that God has Specified. Gopher wood is specified; may have been more oak available, but to use it would be to replace something God specified. Could use big or small logs of Gopher wood, but it had to be Gopher wood A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

21 Use of Expedients To go beyond what God has authorized is to ADD to His Word…not aid in obedience to it. Ephesians 5.19; Col God commands “Singing” Instrumental music is an ADDITION to this commandment, therefore unlawful and sin A song leader and song books are expedients in accomplishing the Authorized type of singing A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

22 Use of Expedients God commands to dip, bury, submerge in baptism…
Romans 6.4 “Therefore we are buried with Him…” He has not specified a PLACE, therefore a baptistery is an expedient – it does not add to nor take from the commandment, but helps in accomplishing it Sprinkling is a SUBSTITUTION therefore sin A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

23 Use of Expedients God commands that we are to assemble – Heb. 10.24
General authority for a place to assemble A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

24 Use of Expedients God specified the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts “So when they had appointed elders in every church, and prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord in whom they had believed.” Acts “"Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.” A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

25 Use of Expedients God specified the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church 1 Peter 5.2 “Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly…” For Elders to get involved in overseeing the members or treasury of another congregation would be to go beyond what is written…therefore SIN A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

26 Use of Expedients For a thing to be expedient it must Edify…
1 Cor 1 Cor “…Let all things be done for edification.” (Paul speaking of use of Spiritual Gifts) A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

27 Use of Expedients For a thing to be expedient it must not offend the conscience of a brother… 1 Cor “Give no offense, either to the Jews or to the Greeks or to the church of God.” Rom (esp. V 19) “Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another.” A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

28 Use of Expedients For a thing to be expedient it must not offend the conscience of a brother… This only applies in things that are expediencies; not in things which are specified. In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey, and therefore sin against God A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

29 Use of Expedients Any addition to God’s Word or Substitution for God’s way cannot be claimed as an expedient. An expedient must be lawful Every addition or substitution is unlawful Therefore SIN! A STUDY OF AUTHORITY PART 3 INTRODUCTION 1. Review of Last two Lessons b. Spoke of recognizing the need for Authority in Business, Home, School. a. Began with a definition of Authority c. Authority is also needed in Religious Matters d. Christ is Our Authority e. Last week dealt with Three Ways of establishing Authority. (2)Apostolic Example (1)Direct Command (3)Necessary. 2. This Week Want to Look At… a. Two Kinds of Authority b. What Is An Expedient I. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC AUTHORITY A. Generic - ``General opposite to specific'' Webster (1)Generic includes all methods or ways for doing the thing Authorized. (1)Thus specific authority restricts one to that which is precisely or explicit. B. Specific - ``precisely formulated or restricted; specifying or explicit.'' C. Examples of the two kinds of Authority. (1)Genesis 6:14-16 (a)Build the Ark Generic authority (b)Gopher wood is specific authority (2)Exodus 12:1-10 (a)Animal would be a form of Generic Authority (b)Notice verse 5 specific authority. (3)Matt. 28:18-20 (a)Go would be generic authority II. EXPEDIENCY A. Men seek to justify a multitude of things by saying they can be practiced as expediencies. (1)Common concept the end justifies the means so that anything that will accomplish what we think to be good, whether authorized or not is permissible. (3)The word expediency in human wisdom involves the right of choice within the realm of those things included in what God authorized. (2)In order for a thing to be a scriptural expediency it must facilitate in the accomplishment of God's will and must harmonize with his word. B. For a thing to be Expedient it must be lawful. (1)1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23 (2)That which is not authorized is unlawful thus sinful - 2 John ; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 14:23 (a)Keep in mind the Preacher or the desires of a congregation are not a source of Authority. (3)Unlawful things cannot be expedients even if we think they facilitate the accomplishment of the Lord's Will. C. For a thing to be Expedient it cannot be Specified. (1)God specified Gopher wood for the Ark Noah could have used a large or small log. (2)To go beyond that which God specifies or authorizes is to add to his word not to aid obedience. (a)God commands ``singing'' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 (i)An instrument of music is not an aid in singing but is an addition to God's commandment. (ii)A song leader would be an expediency to carry out the command to sing. (b)God commands to dip, submerge, bury in baptism Rom. 6:4 (i)Since God has not specified the place to be baptized a baptistery is an expediency. (ii)Sprinkling is not an expedient for it is not lawful it doesn't aid but is a substitution thus is sinful. (c)Command not to forsake the assembly Heb. 10:25 gives general authority to have a place to meet. Build, buy, rent. (d)God specified that the oversight and function of Elders be restricted to the local church Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4 (e)For the elders of one church to oversee the members monies of another church is not a matter of expediency. (i) Such is not lawful God did not authorize Elders to do such thus it is sin. (1)All things are to be done unto edification 1 Cor. 14:26 D. For a Thing to be Expedient it must Edify 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (2)If a thing be a matter of choice or expediency, falling into the realm of human wisdom or judgment and its practice or use causes division in the body of Christ then it is sinful. E. For a thing to be Expedient it must not offend the conscience of a Brother. 1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23 (1)This rule only governs in the realm of Expediency. F. An addition to God's Word or a Substitution for God's way cannot be claimed an expedient. (2)In matters specified we have no choice but to obey or disobey. 1 Cor. 8:7-13. (1)An expedient must first be lawful. (2)Every addition or substitution is unlawful. (3)Such is not a matter of expediency, but is a transgression of God's will.

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