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Bob Parmer - Two Problems

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1 Bob Parmer - Two Problems

2 What is ‘Good’ About Good Friday
God dealt with our sin through the death of Jesus Christ. BUT we still have a problem – our death.

3 I. The Days of Passion Week
DAY – Roman [Begins 12AM] Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Nisan Prep For Sabbath Sabbath st Day of Week Resurrection Prep For Passover Passover Feast of Unleavened Bread  Nisan 21 DAY – Hebrew [Begins 6PM] Death of Christ

4 II. What Happened The Day Of The Resurrection
Early morning Mary Magdalene Earthquake Angels The Guard He is not here He is risen Empty tomb Women report to Jesus disciples Jesus meets the women Guard reports Peter and John go to the tomb Cleopas and Simon Jesus appears to His disciples

5 III. What Should The Resurrection Mean To You
Produces bold witnesses Gives hope Transforms critics Gives assurance Prepares a place to go The Holy Spirit Sent Transforms sorrow to everlasting joy Intercessor in heaven Alive to God not to sin Jesus life seen in you Raised up Look for things not seen A new body No longer live for self Hope for what is to come First fruit of what is to come New body is incorruptible Death is swallowed up in victory

6 Two Problems: Sin and Death
Jesus’ Death Dealt With Sin Jesus’ Resurrection Deals With Death

7 Questions For You If you were to die tonight and stand before God, and He said to you, why should I let you into heaven, what would you say? How is your sin dealt with and what happens after you die?

8 THE ANSWER Jesus Death Paid The Price of Your Sin
Jesus Resurrection Promises Your Own Resurrection Your Part Is To Believe …

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