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You are all amazing. Also, this is a subtitle.

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Presentation on theme: "You are all amazing. Also, this is a subtitle."— Presentation transcript:

1 You are all amazing. Also, this is a subtitle.
Good Morning Advisory Greeting: Compliments Share: Weirdest thing you ever did see… Activity: “Hour of coding week” You are all amazing. Also, this is a subtitle.

2 Journal: What does this letter mean to you? Translate 
Dear Simon, I am using my favorite stationery to write you this letter because it is very important and I want you to be able to keep this documentation. I have discovered an artifact that I predict is older than one millennium. I believe the artifact is derived from an ancient culture from Peru, and from the inscription on the bottom of the vase, I believe I am being warned NOT to show the artifact to any museums or anthropologists. Sincerely, Anna Lee

3 Agenda We are going to define 22 words today.
Tomorrow, you will have a make up work day in your classes. Many of you must finish our quiz from Friday. Thursday, we will do a scavenger hunt in the text book and review vocabulary. Friday, we will read a short informational text and complete the graphic organizer.

4 to emphasize important information easier to read
Essential Question to emphasize important information easier to read

5 Title Identifies the topic of the text and tells what the text will be about

6 Subtitle (or Subheading)
Gives the reader more information about the topic of the text

7 Table of Contents Tells the names of the chapters and on what page they can be found

8 Index Tells on what pages the reader can find certain topics

9 Glossary Tells the definitions of some of the words found in a text

10 Heading Divides the text into sections and explains what the section will be about

11 Picture/Photograph Shows what something looks like so that you can visualize it and understand better!

12 Caption Explains what a photograph or illustration is about
Thanks Captain Obvious! Or should I say CAPTION Obvious!

13 Graph Organizes and helps compare information in a visual way
Laziest giraffe ever? Laziest graph ever OOH! What text feature is this right now?

14 Table Organizes facts and numbers in a visual way so they are easier to read and understand

15 Bold Print Shows what words are important or what words can be found in the glossary

16 Italics <- Slanty-slanty words
Shows what a word is important, can place special emphasis on an idea

17 Bullet Points Makes lists easier to read and understand

18 Additional piece of helpful information at the bottom of a page
Footnote Additional piece of helpful information at the bottom of a page

19 Artifact An ancient (very, very old) object, made by humans, that has historical or cultural value

20 Communal Referring to a group This photo shows a Communal dinner party. In college, there were communal bathrooms that everyone had to share.

21 Derived To get something from a specific source/place
Ex. Lebanon bologna is derived from a factory in Lebanon.

22 Inscription Words that are carved or engraved in something, usually as a monument

23 Millennium A period of 1,000 years

24 Stationery Writing paper, with envelops

25 Utilize To make good/effective use of something

26 Yields Produce or provide OOH! What text feature?

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