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Unit 1: What is Sociology? Essential Questions:

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1 Unit 1: What is Sociology? Essential Questions:
What do social groups do for you? Did you choose your social group because they were like you, or did you become like them?

2 Sociology Definition: The study of human society and social (group) behavior Group pressure video

3 Groups shapes who we are

4 Big Idea: Social Interaction, or how you relate to other people, is a major factor in influencing your identity in society.

5 WHY BOTHER? Most people don’t recognize how much they are shaped by the people around them Most people assume that their morals and behavior are “right”. By understanding other groups they are able to see multiple perspectives Cultureal Gaffes vvideo

6 Sociological Imagination
1. The ability to see the connection between our lives, those of our social group, and the groups around us. 2. The ability to use sociology to examine what has happened and to predict what might happen in the future “Make the Familiar Strange” Challenge assumptions Soc. Imag. videos

7 Are you a completely unique individual or are you the product of the Town of New Providence, your parents, your school, or your friends?


9 The Background: Mr. Sociology
August Comte: French philosopher believed scientific method could be applied to social life Goal to uncover “laws” that govern society … lead to social reform and a better place to live Coined the term “sociology” – “study of society” Considered the “founder” of sociology

10 Karl “must be the money” Marx
Marx thought that Class Struggle between rich and the poor Creates social change Marx would be Classified as a CONFLICT THEORIST- Conflict shapes society Society is a war Between the haves and have- nots Conflict video

11 Are the rich “really” happy?

12 The alternative is too sad to face
Sociological Question: Why do many people believe that the rich are not really happy? Answer: The alternative is too sad to face

13 SPENCER: The death of the weak makes society stronger
Herbert Spencer: “Survival of the Fittest” FUNCTIONALIST PERSPECTIVE: All social institutions serve a function for society functionalism video SPENCER: The death of the weak makes society stronger Spencer fell out of favor because Of his perceived cruelty and popularity with the Nazis

14 Emile Durkheim Used Science to examine groups
Functionalist: institutions and practices in society function to maintain our social system Dysfunction: when society breaks down because of the failure of institutions and practices. What would be the function of: Religion? (Durkheim’s favorite) -Schools -Organized Sports -Prisons

15 Self-Test What is Sociology?
How does Sociological imagination help us better understand the world around us? Why is August Comte the father of sociology? What makes Karl Marx a conflict theorist? Are Herbert Spenser’s theories wrong? Why or why not? What function does Durkheim suggest an institution such as religion serve for our society?

16 5 components of culture Language Norms Values Symbol Physical Objects

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