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American ENlightenment

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1 American ENlightenment

2 Common Beliefs Faith in natural goodness - a human is born without taint or sin; the concept of tabula rasa or blank slate. Perfectibility of a human being - it is possible to improve situations of birth, economy, society, and religion. Universal benevolence - the attitude of helping everyone. They believed that you were inherently good from the start. You can better yourself regardless of your initial situation—before, you were only as good as the class you were in and that’s as good as you’ll get; now, they believe in the pursuit of a high order Seen in Franklin’s Autobiography, but every text somewhat relates to helping others and getting out of the current situation

3 Functions of the Writers of this Period
Interest in the classics as well as in the Bible. Interest in nature Interest in science and scientific experiments. Sense of a person's duty to succeed. Write down all of this They still recognize the biblical significance in the world, and the work of God’s power in the creation of the mind Nature is beginning to blossom in this period, but it becomes more present in the Romantic Period Ben Franklin is one prime example with electricity. They believed that the mind is what makes up your being, so intellect is what was sought more than anything else. Intellect meant power. They were very much more about doing well—this is seen more so in the Romantic Period through celebrating the individual, but it began in the enlightenment

4 Deism "My mind is my church." - Thomas Paine
"Members of the United Deist Community hold the belief that God is discovered through Reason -- but the task of discovery is never over. We each pursue a lifelong intellectual odyssey; harvesting from the tree of knowledge all the wisdom that we can. Members are encouraged to participate in fellowship with other members, continuing the search for Truth together. Our open minds and open hearts are changing the world with love and deeds, as no other religion can." Excerpt from the United Deist Community web site. "We believe that God designed and created the world, and governs it through natural laws that can be discovered through reasoning, observation, and experience. We feel that God does not reveal himself to us through inspired or revealed texts or by supernatural means, but through creation itself."  Excerpt from the Peace Dale Christian Deist Fellowship's web site. Most Deists believe that God created the universe, "wound it up" and then disassociated himself from his creation. Some refer to Deists as believing in a God who acts as an absentee landlord or a blind watchmaker. A few Deists believe that God still intervenes in human affairs from time to time. They do not view God as an entity in human form.

5 Deism One cannot access God through any organized religion, set of belief, ritual, sacrament or other practice. God has not selected a chosen people (e.g. Jews or Christians) to be the recipients of any special revelation or gifts. Deists deny the existence of the Trinity as conceived by Christians They may view Jesus as a philosopher, teacher and healer, but not as the Son of God. They believe that miracles do not happen. The "world operates by natural and self-sustaining laws of the creator.” Deists pray, but only to express their appreciation to God for his works. They generally do not ask for special privileges, or try to assess the will of God through prayer. Write down three of these traits The essential difference between the writers of Puritan New England and those of the American Enlightenment is that the former believed that man was irrational and basically corrupt and the latter believed man rational and basically good."

6 Advertisements… On your own paper, write #1, #2, and #3, leaving a few lines between each. You’ll view several images, and what strategies the creators are using to make you interested in their product or believe their argument. smoking.gif

7 Ethos Appeal to someone’s reputation or credibility
You are more likely to trust a doctor prescribing you medicine than a random person off of the street.

8 Pathos Appeal to emotions
This is when a writer or speaker appeals to you in a way that your emotions are impacted Abused animal commercials Starving children commercial

9 Logos Appeal to logic This is when actual statistics and facts are used to persuade an audience

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