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Donor and Alumni Research using Social Media Platforms

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2 Donor and Alumni Research using Social Media Platforms
Laurel Hostetter University of Kentucky College of Law Interim Director of Philanthropy

3 Learning Objectives How to use LinkedIn to identify people your prospect screenings can't find How to verify online data and use it responsibly  How prospect researchers can better partner with frontline fundraisers

4 Session Goal This session will be helpful for you if you need to widen your circle – whatever that may mean for your organization

5 Who might you find on social media?
Donor prospects not uncovered by wealth screenings New potential board members, especially for “specialty boards” – young alums, departmental boards, etc. New volunteers … in some cases, you can even bring someone back to life

6 APRA Social Media Ethics Statement
Integrity Members shall exercise transparency with respect to their identities, the identity of their institution and their relation to it, and to the purpose of their online presence and communication Practice Members shall insure information gathered via social media is further confirmed by other sources to guarantee that it is as accurate as possible. For more information, visit: (also has the Social Media Ethics Statement and a link to LinkedIn’s response)

7 How to Exercise Transparency?
Some disagreement, but bottom line is be honest about who you are and who you work for: No fake profiles Be honest if asked by someone you’ve searched what you’re doing – it doesn’t have to be “looking for donors,” but it can be “looking for alums of X College in the Baltimore area, etc.” Private browsing?

8 How to further confirm? Follow the new information! Business webpages
Non-profit board webpages Facebook, etc. Wait. How accurate is information online, really?

9 How to use LinkedIn for Research: Getting to an advanced search page
Step one: Step two: Step three:

10 Using Filters to Narrow Your Search
Schools? Companies? Locations? Nonprofit interests: Skilled volunteering Boards

11 Searching by Title Searching by title: President Vice-President
Founder CEO/CFO/COO Senior Attorney Etc.

12 Who are you looking for? It’s easier to find if you have an idea of the kind of people you’re looking for – look for models on current boards, or among current donors. What do those people have in common?

13 Any questions?

14 Thank you for attending!
Please remember to complete the evaluation form of this session and turn it in to our moderator or at the conference registration desk. Enjoy the rest of the conference!

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