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National Priorities on Climate Change and the Fisheries Sub Sector

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1 National Priorities on Climate Change and the Fisheries Sub Sector
(As you’re only given 5 minutes, I suggest that you just read your speaking notes which I have provided and let the audience read the slide themselves…. GOOD LUCK!) Presented by: Abigail Lee Hang Economic Policy and Planning Division Ministry of Finance

2 Strategy for the Development of Samoa Framework
Strategy for the Developemnt of Samoa Economic Sectors Finance Sector Plan Trade, Commerce and Industry Sector Plan Agriculture Sector Plan Tourism Development Plan Social Sectors Health Sector Plan Education Sector Plan Law and Justice Sector Plan Community Development Sector Plan Infrastructure Sectors Transport Sector Plan Water for Life Communication Sector Plan Energy Sector Plan The Environment Envrironmental Sustainability Climate Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction The following graph illustrates the linkages between the sectors and their sector plans to the national development plan. The current framework for the National Development plan has been developed to incorporate and adapt higher level strategies and indicators from existing sector plans. Sectors that do not have plans have had their national strategies developed through the identification of issues and strategies through public consultations.

3 Strategy for the Development of Samoa 2012 - 2016
…Boosting Productivity for Sustainable Development… Strategy for the Development of Samoa 2012 – 2016 NATIONAL GOALS AND STRATEGIES PRIORITY AREA I: ECONOMIC SECTOR Key Outcome 1: Macroeconomic Stability Key Outcome 2: Re-invigorate Agriculture Key Outcome 3: Revitalized Exports Key Outcome 4: Sustainable Tourism Key Outcome 5: Enabling Environment for Business Development PRIORITY AREA II: SOCIAL SECTOR Key Outcome 6: A Healthy Samoa Key Outcome 7: Improved Focus on Access to Education, Training and Learning Outcomes Key Outcome 8: Social Cohesion PRIORITY AREA III: INFRASTRUCTURE SECTORS Key Outcome 9: Sustainable Access to Safe Drinking Water and Basic Sanitation Key Outcome 10: Efficient, Safe and Sustainable Transport Systems and Networks Key Outcome 11: Universal Access to Reliable and Affordable ICT Services Key Outcome 12: Sustainable Energy Supply PRIORITY AREA IV: CROSSCUTTING SECTOR – ENVIRONMENT Key Outcome 13: Environmental Sustainability Key Outcome 14: Climate and Disaster Resilience The existing Strategy for the Development of Samoa is for the timeframe between 2012 and The table above highlights the key outcome areas for the national plan which has been divided into 4 priority areas developed around the key broad sectors of Samoa’s economy including the envrionment.

Key Outcome 13: Environmental Sustainability Strategic Areas Develop appropriate policies to guide sustainable development; Effective management of natural resources and the environment; Ensure optimum benefits from the efficient use of natural resources; Provision and dissemination of scientific and technology-based information for accuracy and timeliness of investigations, early warning systems and predictions to support the sustainable management of natural resources and livelihoods.; Maintain the balance among the three pillars of development throughout the national development framework; Reduce biodiversity loss. Key Indicators Percentage of land area covered by forest Number of trees provided under the community forestry programs; Percentage increase in lives saved and increased numbers of secured properties; reduction of percentage losses; Number and area of protected areas rises; Proportion of fish stocks within safe biological limits; Proportion of terrestrial and marine areas protected; Proportion of species threaten with extinction; Proportion of total water resources used. CO2 emissions, total per capita and per $1 GDP (PPP)/Index of GHG emissions Consumption/index of ozone depleting substances. The national strategic areas that focus on climate change as well as adaption and mitigation issues is found in Priority Area IV – The Environment. Key Outcome 13 of this Priority Area is focused on Environmental Sustainability and the strategic areas and indicators for the outcome is presented above. The underlined strategic areas and indicators are those that can be clearly linked to the Fisheries Sub Sector.

Key Outcome 14: Climate Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction Strategic Areas Ensure integration of climate change issues and disaster risk reduction into core national and sector plans, policies and budgetary processes Undertake climate change impact assessments on sector plans and major investment initiatives to identify necessary adjustments and increase awareness; Strengthen the awareness and consultation on climate change at all levels including improved community engagement and understanding of the expected changes and proposed adaptation strategies; Finalise and commence implementation of coastal infrastructure managements (CIM) plans; Strengthening planning and capacity for Disaster Preparedness with closer linkages between sector lead agencies and the DMO; Improve monitoring of climate change through centralized collection of data and information across all sectors to identify the direction, nature and pace of change and adapt plans accordingly; Develop appropriate financing modalities for CCA and DRR Key Indicators Number of sector plans integrating expected climate change impacts with identified adaptation strategies in place and being implemented; Development of a monitoring framework and base line data for climate change impacts and adaptation; Progress in implementing CIM Plans; Information reports on climate change being regularly disseminated through the media and at public consultations. Updated climate risk profiles Key Outcome 14 of Priority IV focuses on Climate Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction. All the strategic areas and key indicators as presented covers all sectors of the economy including Agriculture and Fisheries. Given the need to raise the country’s ability to minimize the effects of climate change and natural disasters on the economy, emphasis is placed on ensuring that each sector contributes to the application, implementation and achievement of this key outcome.

6 Agriculture Sector Plan 2011 - 2015
Strategy for the development of Samoa Agriculture Sector Plan Fisheries Subsector Strategies SPO 4: 4.1.1: Promote sustainable use of small Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) through sustainable catch practices; 4.1.2: Promote long-term sustainability of coastal fishery resources including the protection of mangroves and coral reefs; 4.1.3: Identify impacts of climate change on fisheries production and governance and develop mitigating strategies; 4.1.4: Promote Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (TMDP, CBFM, NAPA) 4.2.1: Develop strategies to mitigate sea safety during natural disasters and emergency situation (fisheries diseases outbreaks, securing fisheries asset, crew); Key Outcome 13: Environmental Sustainability Key Outcome 14: Climate Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction Contributes to… The Agriculture Sector Plan also highlights the significance of ensuring adaptation and mitigation measures are implemented as per its Sector Policy Objective 4 – To ensure sustainable adaptation and management of resources. The slide above show the Fisheries subsector strategies for the SPO 4 as I mentioned which clearly links to the achievement of the Key outcomes 13 and 14 of the national development plan.

7 Implementation of subsector strategies entails the:
Way Forward… Implementation of subsector strategies entails the: Development of a functional implementation plan that clearly lays out prioritization of core activities; Identification of key measures to ensure achievement of Sector Policy Objectives; Due to the links as shown, successful implementation of subsector strategies lead to achievement of national priorities on Environmental sustainability and Climate Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction. As recommended to all other sectors of the economy, the Ministry of Finance emphasizes the significance of ensuring that implementation plans are developed which leads to the identification of key measures in order to achieve not only sectoral strategies but national development strategies as well. Therefore, the successful implementation of sectoral measures would ultimately lead to the achievement of the SDS vision of Improved Quality of Life for All.

8 THANK YOU Electronic copies of the Strategy for the Development of Samoa 2012 – 2016 may be found at the following link:

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