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The Rise of Christianity

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1 The Rise of Christianity
Chapter 1 Section 4

2 Focus Question How did Christianity develop from Judaism into a powerful and independent religion?

3 Jesus of Nazareth According to the Gospels, Jesus began preaching and performing miracles of healing in the provinces of Galilee and Judea on the eastern Mediterranean.

4 Jesus of Nazareth Cont. Jesus’ message echoed the Jewish ideas of mercy and sympathy for the poor. Some followers believed he was the Son of God, Out of fear of rebellion, the Romans crucified him.

5 Christianity Spreads Jesus’ followers spread Christianity, first among the Jews of Judea and then through the Roman world. Paul was the most influential among them. The Emperor Theodosius made Christianity Rome’s official religion.

6 The Christian Church Gradually scattered Christian communities organized a structured church hierarchy. The bishops of the important cities became powerful in the Church, with the bishop of Rome serving as the pope.

7 The Christian Church Cont.
During the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church became a powerful spiritual and secular force in Western Europe.

8 The Judeo-Christian Tradition
Both the Jewish and Christian faiths are major world religions today. The ethical and moral principles set forth by both religions played an important role in the development of the democratic tradition.

9 Summary What were these notes about?

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