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Virginia School Counselors Association Presentation on The Non-Negotiable: Educating African-American Male students K-12 NOTE: To change the image.

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Presentation on theme: "Virginia School Counselors Association Presentation on The Non-Negotiable: Educating African-American Male students K-12 NOTE: To change the image."— Presentation transcript:

1 Virginia School Counselors Association Presentation on The Non-Negotiable: Educating African-American Male students K-12 NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image.

2 Presentation Outline Brief Introduction Historical Data Non-Negoitable
Speaker Audience Book Historical Data Drop Out Rate School to Prison Pipe Line Perception vs. Reality Non-Negoitable Trust Expectations Relationships Dr. Lawrence Bolar

3 Brief Introduction Brief Introduction Speaker Audience Book
Dr. Lawrence Bolar

4 The Nonnegotiable: Educating African-American Male Students
K-12 will highlight several salient points in the book All School Counselors should know! Graduation rates Dropout rates Literacy rates College preparedness rates 53 percent of African-American males nationwide drop out of school. African-American high school students are notably falling behind their Caucasian counterparts in all four of these areas

5 Goal Dr. Lawrence Bolar
The goal of the book is to afford each reader the opportunity to cultivate their educational outlook on African-American males and provide their schools with effective, culturally responsive reform. The overarching goal for this book is to bring enlightenment to a dark cloud that hovers over the success or lack of success of the African-American male student. Dr. Lawrence Bolar

6 Historical Glance School to Prison Pipeline
One of nine African-American men will be in prison between the ages of 20 and 34 Black males have the highest crime rate of any race/ethnicity gender and age combination.(American Community Survey) 1 in 3 black males will go to prison in their lifetime. Dr. Lawrence Bolar

7 According to the Schott 50 State Report on Public Education and Black Males
African-American and Hispanic twelfth-grade students read at approximately the same level as Caucasian eighth-grade students.

8 Dr. Lawrence Bolar
Non-Negotiable Trust Expectations Relationships Dr. Lawrence Bolar Dr. Lawrence Bolar

9 Trust We earn our students' trust by showing them respect in the form of meaningful, challenging, and rewarding learning activities that are worthy of their time and best efforts. Dr. Lawrence Bolar

10 Dr. Lawrence Bolar
Trust continued Students in their early years of school are naturally trusting, and -- please don't take this the wrong way -- we abuse that trust in the name of socialization and time management. In essence, we teach them to obey rather than to build confidence to explore. As students get older, they often trust less. Most students will take what we offer but will not allow a learning partnership because they do not trust us. Dr. Lawrence Bolar Dr. Lawrence Bolar

11 Dr. Lawrence Bolar

12 Get To Know Your Students
Expectations Get To Know Your Students What you are doing is building up goodwill. There may be some hard times ahead, where you will have to be tough on certain individuals. Having some previous interactions that were positive may help. Though having “favorites” is not a good idea, it doesn't hurt to make a special effort to build a friendship with those who may become your problem students. This can be accomplished as simply as looking for opportunities to give them compliments,  Dr. Lawrence Bolar

13 Get To Know Your Students
Relationships Counselors become popular by building good relationships with their students by treating them the way they would like to be treated. Simply stated, students want to be treated with respect. Talking down to students or lecturing them about their inadequacies will only irritate or frustrate them. Offering positive reinforcement, being consistent, smiling, and listening to their concerns all help to gain students' trust and  friendship.      Get To Know Your Students Work at getting to know your students as individuals. Find out their interests. Initiate conversations with them about sports, TV, or school activities, or compliment them on their clothing. As you talk to them and listen to what's on their minds, they will begin to see that you're not just another adult, but someone who is genuinely interested in them   Dr. Lawrence Bolar

14 Questions Answers Comments & Sign Up

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