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Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC

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1 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
SC5 Immunity Testing and Measurements Ed Hare SC5 Chair November 30, 2018

2 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Scope No changes to the Scope were proposed. Subcommittee 5 is responsible for developing and maintaining new and existing ANSI ASC C63® standards for immunity testing techniques and associated instrumentation as requested by the Main Committee ANSI ASC C63®.

3 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
SC5 Membership Report (no changes)

4 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
SC5 Officer elections Vacancy in Vice Chair officer position No candidate(s) identified at meeting Ed Hare took action item to try to locate Vice Chair Ed Hare’s first term ends December 31, 2019

5 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Duties C : RF Immunity of Audio Office Equipment to General Use Transmitting Devices with Transmitter Power Levels up to 8 Watts C : Recommended Practice for the Immunity Measurement of Electrical and Electronic Equipment C : Recommended Practice for In-Situ RF Immunity Evaluation of Products, Instrumentation, and Control Systems in High Reliability Installations C63-24-draft: Recommended Practice for In-Situ RF Immunity Evaluation of Products, Instrumentation, and Control Systems in High Reliability Installations C

6 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Working Group Reports WG4 C : RF Immunity of Audio Office Equipment to General Use Transmitting Devices with Transmitter Power Levels up to 8 Watts LINK TO PINS

7 C63.9 Status Standard written in 2008, reaffirmed in 2014
Work delayed primarily to work on C63.24 Desire to more generalize the document to more portable wireless sources and not limit it to 8 Watts Consider using as RF sources portable transceivers much like the path for C63.24. Focus on test setups if audio devices are scattered throughout the meeting space. Test similar to IEC (radiated E-field) with actual transmitters or replication. Possible merging with C63.24, on-site immunity testing Progress will be re-energized in early 2019, but draft not likely to be completed until early 2020 Additional participation sought

8 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Working Group Reports WG4 C63.24-draft: Recommended Practice for InSitu RF Immunity Evaluation of Products, Instrumentation, and Control Systems in High-Reliability Installations LINK TO PINS

9 C63.24 Status Being developed in cooperation with revisions to IEEE Std. 473, Site Survey (Chad Kiger WG Chair) Liaison joint membership with Std. 473 WG Regular joint webinar meetings held in 2018 Standard expected to be ready for ballot in late 2019 or early 2020.



12 STABLE SC5 STANDARDS C : Recommended Practice for the Immunity Measurement of Electrical and Electronic Equipment C : Guide for Electrostatic Discharge Test Methodologies and Criteria for Electronic Equipment Both standards have been passed to Subcommittee 3 for comparison to other standards

13 Presentation

14 Other actions at meeting
Forms received asking for information to be used to complete C Will be forwarded to SC5 WG Chairs then on to Chair/Secretary of SC2 This concludes the SC5 report

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