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Supervisory arrangements 2008

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1 Supervisory arrangements 2008

2 Status report – 11/06/2008 Summary Numbers
Premises previously under dual supervision 10 LA gain sole supervision 4 HSE gain sole supervision 6 Premises transferring within single agency supervision 8 LA gain LA loss

3 LA County/City Councils specifically affected by Demarcation
Cork County Council Dublin City Council Kildare County Council Leitrim County Council Limerick County Council Longford County Council Louth County Council Mayo County Council Roscommon County Council

4 Supervisory Arrangements
Reference documents - Supervisory Criteria and transfer protocol finalised and circulated List of establishments to be transferred – work in progress Transfers to be arranged locally Clarification on criteria for composite product establishments Butcher shops, fish and poultry establishments outstanding pending the introduction of national legislation Ongoing

5 Composite product establishments
Scenario A: FBO just producing meals including food of animal origin; content of final product e.g. meat pie manufacturer – meat content If FBO is making composite products and food of animal origin content of final product is >=50% meat/fish – LA/DAFF/SFPA If FBO is making composite products and food of animal origin content of final product is < 50% meat/fish – HSE If FBO is making composite products and food of animal origin content of variable composition some with < 50% food of animal origin and some where >=50% food of animal origin – LA/DAFF/SFPA

6 Composite product establishments
e.g. Premises producing single portion meals and individual meat portions  LA Supervision

7 Composite Product Establishments
Scenario B: FBO producing meals with meat/fish and non meat /fish products such as salads or pastas etc –final output where final output from premises > /= 50% food of animal origin and food of animal origin products: Clarification (a) where the maximum final content of any meal with meat/fish is >/= 50% – DAF/LA/SFPA supervision (b) where the maximum final content of meat/fish in the meals is < 50% – HSE supervision (2 ) where final output from premises < 50% food of animal origin and food of animal origin products – HSE supervision

8 Composite Product Establishments
e.g. Manufacturer of meat pies/dinners and salads/coleslaws  HSE Supervision

9 Coldstores new/dual e.g. Premises storing and distributing product of animal origin, dairy products, frozen products etc. No exposed meat.  HSE supervision If only food of animal origin is stored – LA/DAF/SFPA If any exposed food of animal origin is stored - LA/DAF/SFPA If non-exposed food of animal origin with other food products – HSE

10 852 versus 853 Approval Approval under Regulation 853/2004
Establishment handing products of animal origin for which Annex III of Regulation 853/2004 applies must be approved by the official agency with the exception of: Primary production Transport operations only Storage of products not requiring temperature controlled storage conditions Supply of food of animal origin from retail to retail establishments, whose activity is marginal, local and restricted in accordance with national law Establishments producing composite products using product of plant origin and processed products of animal origin

11 852 versus 853 Approval Compliance with and Approval to 852 + 853
One owner

12 852 versus 853 Approval Compliance with and Approval to


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