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JFK Lecture 4.

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1 JFK Lecture 4

2 Standard 11.10. Essential Question:
How did Kennedy respond to the continuing challenges of the Cold War?

3 Kennedy V. Nixon John F. Kennedy Richard Nixon
young senator from Massachusetts WWII Navy veteran Richard Nixon young senator from California former vice president


5 “Ask not what your country can do for you…”
The New Frontier The New Frontier, 1961 Kennedy’s domestic program medical care for seniors more educational opportunities government help to stop recession 1st Peace Time Deficit integration and equality Equal Pay Act 1963 “Ask not what your country can do for you…”

6 The New Frontier Space Race at first, the USSR was ahead
JFK promised to put a man on the moon by 1970 Project Mercury, 1959 – 1963 manned spaceflight Project Gemini, 1965 – 1966 rendezvous and docking Project Apollo, 1961 – 1975 moonlanding in 1975, the US and USSR began to work together


8 Peace Corps The Peace Corps, 1961
Americans lived in over 70 countries underdeveloped to share their knowledge education medicine and hygiene agriculture changed America’s image to the world

9 Fidel Castro Alliance for Progress Fidel Castro
US gave aid to S. America Feared Communism Fidel Castro led communist revolution in Cuba in 1959 ruler from denounced US as evil capitalist empire took US assets in Cuba ally to Khrushchev (USSR) Trade Embargo on Cuba

10 Bay of Pigs Bay of Pigs, 1961 1,500 anti-Castro fugitives armed and trained by the CIA to invade Cuba and overthrow Castro US did not give direct aid in order to avoid war Further poisoned US-Cuban relations three of JFK’s advisors resigned Castro’s influence was even greater

11 The Cuban Missile Crisis
Castro tried to install soviet ABMs in Cuba Kennedy ordered a naval blockade and demanded removal of weapons after satellite photos showed activity Khrushchev sent ships to break through the blockade Stalemate = 2 Weeks Swapped Cuba for Turkey

12 "We are eyeball to eyeball, and the other fellow just blinked.“
—Sec. of State Dean Rusk

13 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
USSR and US ended atmospheric nuclear testing “peaceful co-existence”

14 Berlin Wall The Berlin Wall, 1961
built by communists to stop flow of skilled workers from East Berlin it stood until 1990 Khrushchev demanded the USSR be given all of Berlin JFK increased American troops in Berlin “Ich bin ein berliner.”

15 Kennedy’s Assassination
Dallas, Texas November 1963 LBJ sworn in on Air Force One Lee Harvey Oswald Shot JFK Shot by Jack Ruby 2 days after being arrested Died in prison a year later Earl Warren led Investigation Concluded he acted alone



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