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Presentation on theme: "MACROS MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS FILE TO WORK"— Presentation transcript:

Editable text on this slide MACROS MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS FILE TO WORK In PPT 2002/2003: - Choose Tools | Macro | Security. - On the Security Level tab, click Medium. - Close all open dialog boxes. NOTE: When user opens a file that contains macros, PPT will display a warning dialog box and offer the choice to enable the macros or not. In PPT 2007/2010: - Choose Office Button | PowerPoint Options | Trust Center | Trust Center Settings. - Click Macro Settings. - Click Disable all macros with notification. NOTE: When user opens a file that contains macros, PPT will display a bar beneath the ribbon with the text “Security Warning: Macros have been disabled” and an Options... button. Users should click Options... then click Enable this content to permit macros to run. Your Title Here Randomizer with editable range – Uses: Import this slide in order to add a random number selector into your presentation. Random number selectors can be used to select teams, players, questions or points. In addition this number selector may be used to run a prize raffle or to call a BINGO game (although selections do potentially repeat). Each selection is programmed to be entirely random. To Operate: Use the slider bars at the bottom of the slide to select the upper and lower range of numbers. Total range is from 1 to 1000 and anywhere in-between. Slide to the approximate number, then use the arrow button to advance to the exact the numbers you want for the top or bottom range. Click the Randomizer button to select a number within the range, and again to select a second number and so on. IMPORTANT NOTE: MACROS MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS FILE TO WORK. In Edit view, reference macro enabling instructions to the right of this slide. To edit this slide: Click on text in Edit view and begin typing. We recommend using this programs navigation feature with this slide, which will enable the presenter to access the slide at any point in their presentation and then easily return to their place within the presentation using the Last Slide Viewed button. Note: “Advance Slide on mouse click” has been turn off to avoid inadvertently advancing to the next slide. To turn it back on go to Slide Transitions and under Advance Slide check “On mouse click”. Additional Info Here Low High

Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. Edit text on this slide in EDIT mode. DO NOT delete or move any of the cards or card backs. MACROS MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS FILE TO WORK In PPT 2002/2003: - Choose Tools | Macro | Security. - On the Security Level tab, click Medium. - Close all open dialog boxes. NOTE: When user opens a file that contains macros, PPT will display a warning dialog box and offer the choice to enable the macros or not. In PPT 2007/2010: - Choose Office Button | PowerPoint Options | Trust Center | Trust Center Settings. - Click Macro Settings. - Click Disable all macros with notification. NOTE: When user opens a file that contains macros, PPT will display a bar beneath the ribbon with the text “Security Warning: Macros have been disabled” and an Options... button. Users should click Options... then click Enable this content to permit macros to run. Card Player Card Player – Uses: Import this slide into any presentation to play an engaging card game as you present. For example, you might develop a game in which teams receive points for answering presentation questions correctly. However, a team must first draw the highest poker hand/card before they have the opportunity to answer a question for points. There are eight cards to play with, which should allow you to create many different game versions. Consider using this slide in conjunction with one of the scoreboards available on the Presentation Game Menu. To Operate: Click on the Shuffle Deck button to change the top card in each of the 8 decks above. Cards appear/disappear when the Show/Hide button is clicked. IMPORTANT NOTE: MACROS MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS FILE TO WORK. In Edit view, reference macro enabling instructions to the right of this slide. We recommend using this programs navigation feature with this slide, which will enable the presenter to access the slide at any point in their presentation and then easily return to their place within the presentation using the Last Slide Viewed button. Note: “Advance Slide on mouse click” has been turn off to avoid inadvertently advancing to the next slide. To turn it back on go to Slide Transitions and under Advance Slide check “On mouse click”.

Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. Edit text on this slide in slideshow mode. DO NOT delete or move any of the textboxes MACROS MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS FILE TO WORK In PPT 2002/2003: - Choose Tools | Macro | Security. - On the Security Level tab, click Medium. - Close all open dialog boxes. NOTE: When user opens a file that contains macros, PPT will display a warning dialog box and offer the choice to enable the macros or not. In PPT 2007/2010: - Choose Office Button | PowerPoint Options | Trust Center | Trust Center Settings. - Click Macro Settings. - Click Disable all macros with notification. NOTE: When user opens a file that contains macros, PPT will display a bar beneath the ribbon with the text “Security Warning: Macros have been disabled” and an Options... button. Users should click Options... then click Enable this content to permit macros to run. Non-Repeating Random. – Uses: Import this slide into any presentation to generate up to 60 different numbers or names in a non repeating random order. Great in a classroom to make sure everyone gets involved or to display a sequence of numbers without repeating any of them. To Operate: Type in your text into as many textboxes as needed. Use the slider to hide all of the unused textboxes. Click on the Reset button to reset the macro that is used to generate the values. Now each time you click on the big RED button a textbox will disappear and the textbox text will appear in the red box. IMPORTANT NOTE: MACROS MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS FILE TO WORK. In Edit view, reference macro enabling instructions to the right of this slide. We recommend using this programs navigation feature with this slide, which will enable the presenter to access the slide at any point in their presentation and then easily return to their place within the presentation using the Last Slide Viewed button. Note: “Advance Slide on mouse click” has been turn off to avoid inadvertently advancing to the next slide. To turn it back on go to Slide Transitions and under Advance Slide check “On mouse click”.

Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. DO NOT delete or move any of the textboxes MACROS MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS FILE TO WORK In PPT 2002/2003: - Choose Tools | Macro | Security. - On the Security Level tab, click Medium. - Close all open dialog boxes. NOTE: When user opens a file that contains macros, PPT will display a warning dialog box and offer the choice to enable the macros or not. In PPT 2007/2010: - Choose Office Button | PowerPoint Options | Trust Center | Trust Center Settings. - Click Macro Settings. - Click Disable all macros with notification. NOTE: When user opens a file that contains macros, PPT will display a bar beneath the ribbon with the text “Security Warning: Macros have been disabled” and an Options... button. Users should click Options... then click Enable this content to permit macros to run. B I N G O BINGO Caller & Tracker. – Uses: Import this slide into any presentation to play a game of BINGO as you present. Use pre-made standard Bingo cards, make your own in PowerPoint, or simply have your group write BINGO at the top of a piece of paper and select and jot down 5 numbers from each of the above columns.. Click on the Reset button to reset the macro that is used to generate the values. Now each time you click on the big RED button a number will be displayed and the textbox will be disabled. IMPORTANT NOTE: MACROS MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS FILE TO WORK. In Edit view, reference macro enabling instructions to the right of this slide. We recommend using this programs navigation feature with this slide, which will enable the presenter to access the slide at any point in their presentation and then easily return to their place within the presentation using the Last Slide Viewed button. Note: “Advance Slide on mouse click” has been turn off to avoid inadvertently advancing to the next slide. To turn it back on go to Slide Transitions and under Advance Slide check “On mouse click”.


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