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The Johnson Co., Inc. Montpelier, VT

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1 The Johnson Co., Inc. Montpelier, VT
Indirect Discharge Permit Monitoring and Siting Tasks for Agri-Mark dba Cabot Creamery

2 Indirect Discharge Permit (IDP)
Compliance monitoring Application site identification and mapping Engineer’s Inspection

3 Compliance Monitoring Schedule
Groundwater sampling in February, May, August and September from 6 monitoring wells at 3 designated fields in Cabot, Marshfield, and Wheelock Surface water sampling (upstream and downstream of the monitored field) in February, May, August and September from surface waters in Marshfield and Wheelock Groundwater sampling in June, August and September from 6 monitoring wells in Cabot’s Sprayfield system in Cabot Land application washwater sampling in February, May, August and September; and Monthly Permeate and sprayfield pond sampling during the sprayfield operating period Washwater sampling for analysis using the EPA TCLP methods at end of Permit cycle

4 Compliance Reporting Results of quarterly groundwater and surface water sampling are submitted to the State following receipt of the lab reports A Water Quality Evaluation of the previous 5 years’ data submitted at the end of each Permit cycle Results of the EPA TCLP analysis submitted at the end of each Permit cycle Engineer’s inspection reports submitted annually

5 Site Identification and Mapping
Performed after receipt of Landowner Agreement Check agricultural fields for ground slope, distances from water supplies, surface water, property lines and residences, soil types; and depth to groundwater and bedrock within 3 feet of the surface Generate site evaluation worksheets and site maps for submittal to the State

6 Application Rate Calculation
Perform watershed delineation of the receiving water associated with the agricultural field Comparative streamflow analysis to determine low median monthly (LMM) flow rate when streamflow gage data does not exist Check that daily application rates do not exceed one-tenth of the LMM, and if so, limit the application to the 10:1 dilution ratio

7 Summary Water quality monitoring demonstrates continued compliance with the IDP conditions Currently there are 69 landowners and 256 fields Cabot maintains 162% of the acreage required for operation of the land application program which is well above the minimum 120% required by the IDP.

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