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English, French, Dutch and Spanish Settlements in America

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1 English, French, Dutch and Spanish Settlements in America
By Mrs. Moore


3 English Colonies Settled along the east coast of North America.
Colonist settled for religious freedom and economic (money) opportunities. Allowed to form their own governments by England. Jamestown, VA was motivated by money. The pilgrims and the puritans settled in New England to establish a religious community. The English Quakers went to Pennsylvania so they could practice religious freedom. Others came for economic reasons such as free land or as indentured servants.

4 Spanish Colonies Explored the Southern Florida and southwestern parts of North America in search for gold. St. Augustine and Santa Fe were established missions where Native Americans worked to make a profit for the Spanish. Colonies were called New Spain. These missions helped the Spanish hold onto their land which they wanted for economic reasons. Converted Native Americans to Catholic.

5 French Colonies Settled in New Orleans on the St Lawrence River along the Mississippi River. They established a fur trade with the Native Americans so they could sell to Europe to make a profit. The French government did not allow religious rebels to settle in their colonies.

6 Dutch Colonies Explored by Henry Hudson. Founded the Hudson River.
Settled New York for religious freedom. Colonies called New Netherlands. Forced to give up colonies to England.

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