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Monthly Administrator Meeting January 25, 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Monthly Administrator Meeting January 25, 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monthly Administrator Meeting January 25, 2018
Research Administration Susan Stark, Manager, SRAS Mary Gay Whitmer, Pre-Award Manager, SRAS

2 SRAS Staff Updates Holly Hammond, Grant Proposal Specialist Departure of Tish (Tanisha) Roussos, Reconciler, currently using a STEPs person to fill this role

3 Faculty Member Transfers into UK
When a new Faculty Member is transferring into UK, please contact your department’s Grants Proposal Specialist (GPS). Letting your GPS know ahead of the Faculty Member’s arrival is preferable Your GPS will need to know if there are any grants or other sponsored research awards that may transfer with the Faculty Member.

4 Your GPS Can Help Coordinate
Securing the previous institution’s award relinquishment Preparing the electronic Internal Approval Form (eIAF) at UK Submitting needed information to the sponsor, many times including a proposal Explaining the award-receipt and account set-up process at UK Assisting with upcoming proposals

5 Faculty Member Transfer Resources
Your GPS! And, for more information, please see our Faculty Member Transfer to UK:

6 IACUC Congruency IACUC Congruency Check
Required for NIH and NSF awards involving animals Congruency between the proposed scope of work and the approved IACUC protocol is required prior to accepting an award (award acceptance occurs when funds are drawn down from the sponsor)

7 IACUC Congruency (cont.)
Content compared for congruency includes Species Total animals proposed Procedures Needed for new awards – not for noncompeting segments of an awarded project

8 IACUC Congruency (cont.)
NIH Policy: Part 4.1.1, page IIA-11 NSF Policy: Chapter XI, page 121

9 IACUC Congruency (cont.)
Outline of process on the University Veterinarian's website

10 IACUC Congruency (cont.)
Accounts are not set up by OSPA until IACUC approval and congruence confirmation are received “E” account request no longer an option related to either no IACUC approval or where congruency has not been established

11 Graduate Student Travel
Special requirements if these students are not project personnel being paid a salary (i.e., no effort on the project) Student travel must support the dissemination of the project’s research results Grant allows for dissemination of research results without explicitly specifying that the individual who presents the data, etc. must have documented effort on the project

12 Graduate Student Travel (cont.)
Student’s name must appear in the publications, presentations, etc. that result from the research project (In other words, student must have substantial involvement in the project even if salary is not charged) Prior to travel, PI must provide a justification of the student’s involvement in the project and his/her ties to the publication, presentation, etc. Department must retain copies of the publication, presentation, etc. along with the travel voucher/documentation

13 Questions? SRAS Website:
SRAS Staff Contact Information:

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