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Lowes Commercial Don’t Stop

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1 Lowes Commercial Don’t Stop
Lifespan Development Lowes Commercial Don’t Stop

2 Areas of Development Physical Intellectual/Cognitive Emotional Social
Moral PIES

3 Physical Development Appearance, strength, and coordination
Involves motor skills, or muscle movements. Gross motor skills – large motor skills – skills that use the large muscles of the body like the legs and shoulders. *Used to walk, run, swim, jump, lift Fine motor skills Small motor skills Skills involving the smaller muscles like in the fingers *Used to write, type, play instruments, use scissors

4 Intellectual/Cognitive Development
Involves your ability to think, understand, reason, and communicate. Intelligence can be seen in many ways, such as musical talent, creative skills, problem-solving abilities. Different learning styles: Auditory Visual Kinesthetic

5 Emotional Development
Learning to recognize and express emotions Learning to handle our emotions in socially acceptable ways.

6 Social Development Relating to other people Social skills
Temperament –style of reacting to the world and relating to others.

7 Moral Development Very young children have no sense of right or wrong and are guided by their need for self satisfaction. With guidance, children learn what are acceptable behaviors, and how their behaviors can affect others. Moral development is vital for society…society is weakened when people do not consider others.

8 Development Throughout Life
Lifespan development- growth and change that occurs throughout a person’s life. Every aspect of life involves ongoing growth and development. Studying human development will help you better understand yourself and those around you.

9 Stages of Life After Childhood
Adolescence – the stage of life between childhood and adulthood Developmental tasks include: Creating an identity Becoming independent Pursuing education and careers

10 Stages of Life After Childhood
Young Adulthood – people in their twenties, when many young adults finish their education and begin working. Many marry in this period.

11 Stages of Life After Childhood
The Thirties – presents the challenges of establishing roots May include children from newborn to teens and the activities they are involved in Reevaluating life choices made earlier Finding stability in career and relationships

12 Stages of Life After Childhood
Middle Age – this stage last from about 40-55 Parents adjust as their children become more independent Many start to have grandchildren May make life changes, such as starting a new career

13 Stages of Life After Childhood
Late Adulthood – Many retire during this stage, yr May become more politically or socially active Travel Take classes for enjoyment or hobbies

14 Stages of Life After Childhood
Very Late Adulthood – health problems become more common beyond age 75 Some remain very active Contribute knowledge and experience to society Those in fragile health may need more assistance or care

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