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Welcome to Curriculum Night

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Curriculum Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Curriculum Night 2015 - 2016
Introductions Beth Gavrin, Dr. Kunkler Peck, Mrs. DeCola, Ms. Williams, Ms. Kelly Room Parents Please find your child’s desk and read the letter they wrote to you.

2 Thank You For Coming! Introductions
Beth Gavrin, Dr. Kunkler Peck, Mrs. DeCola, Ms. Williams, Ms. Kelly Room Parents

3 Contact Me Julie Selhub Via note sent with your child
Via telephone: ext Via Change in dismissal: call office If you need to get in touch with me during the day, it is best to call Bowman School office directly and they will forward the message to me. Voic is not a reliable way to reach room 29 during the day.

4 A Note About E-mail Please do not use for urgent matters.
messages in the Lexington Public Schools are considered public documents and may not be kept confidential. For confidential issues, a time when I can reach you by phone.

5 4th Grade Events Big Backyard to Lexington Reservoir
October 20, 2015 (Rain date October 21) Harvard Museum of Natural History/ Peabody Museum Spring 2016 (date TBD) Big Backyard to Whipple Hill If you’re interested in volunteering for field trips, please be sure you have a current CORI form on file in the office

6 4th Grade MCAS English Language Arts Math
Long Composition - Mar Reading Comprehension (2 sessions) – Mar. 30, Apr Math (2 sessions) – May 11 and 12, 2015 Please do not book travel at these times.

7 Student Conferences Fall Conferences Spring Conferences
Wednesday and Thursday Mornings/Afternoons October 28, 29, and November 4, 5 Spring Conferences April 6, 7, 13, and 14

8 Report Cards Standard-Based Report Cards Twice a year
January and June More Information: Online video (, Click on ‘K-5 Standards- Based Report Card Information’)

9 Homework 30-45 minutes of assigned homework per night (Monday - Thursday) Reading at least 30 minutes per night Reading log Math Facts Flash Cards Occasional weekend assignment (ex. Long term assignment) Of course, each student will differ with regard to how long it takes him/her to complete the homework. However, if your child is having difficulty completing homework and needs assistance, please contact via note or phone.

10 Grade 4 Expectations Respect Responsibility Increased Independence
Organization Making Good Choices Effort Having Fun There are of course social goals as well as academic goals in fourth grade.

11 Curriculum Overview

12 Morning Meeting Responsive Classroom Every Morning 4 components
Greeting Share Activity Schedule/Message Purpose: Belonging, Significance, Fun

13 Technology Wireless laptops in the classroom Type To Learn
Guided Internet Research FASTT Math/Fraction Nation Microsoft Word iPad Projects

14 Science Animal Adaptations - Crayfish
Moon, Sun, Planets – Measuring Time Rocks and Minerals Technology and Engineering embedded Focus on observation and scientific writing LPS is adopting Next Generation Science Standards Animal Adaptation: Observe and describe physical characteristics and behavior Astronomy: Measure time by observing patterns of moon and sun Rocks and Minerals: Test and classify minerals according to properties. Rock Types: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic

15 Questions so far?

16 Social Studies Immigration North American Geography Canada Mexico
U.S. Regions, Mapping Skills, Landforms Canada Geographical, physical, cultural, and economic aspects Mexico

17 Math What are students learning? How am I teaching? Continued topics
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and fractions Geometry New topics Decimals, Multi-digit multiplication and division, heavier focus on fractions How am I teaching? Workshop model / Problem Solving / Context for Learning Everyday Math Curriculum with supplemental materials Pre-assessments to determine students’ instructional needs Independent practice, small groups, stations-based, hands on, open-ended questions, on-going review throughout the year

18 Language Arts - Reading
Reader’s Workshop: Focused Mini-lesson Independent reading Writing about reading Small group instruction Interactive Read Aloud Various Genres Teacher Modeling Reading Strategies

19 Language Arts - Writing
Writer’s Workshop Writing in writer’s notebooks Conferring with teacher Writing Process Collecting, Planning, Drafting, Revising, Editing, Publishing Genres: Narrative, Expository, Informational Narratives, Essays, Informational Writing, Poetry

20 Language Arts - Word Study
Weekly list of words -share common pattern Differentiated word lists determined by pretest Spelling homework packets Weekly spelling test on Friday

21 Learn More About Our Curriculum
Go to Click on Curriculum tab Click on Curriculum Overview Click on ‘K-5 Curriculum Benchmarks FY15’ These are arranged by subject

22 Questions?

23 Thank You! Please take paper clipped packet.
Please leave letters from/to students

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