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The ups and downs of the research rollercoaster

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1 The ups and downs of the research rollercoaster
Introduce myself I’m going to talk about my perspectives on becoming involved in LKS research. I’ll tell the story of my research journey, the ups and downs and the impact on my professional development Photo by Albin Berlin from Pexels Victoria Treadway @librarianpocket

2 My research journey… A chance conversation A bright idea Some funding
Some failure Lots of learning My research journey is a story about a conversation, an idea, funding, failure and lots of learning.

3 The story begins (unknowingly) in 2010
Conversation with a doctor with an interest in EBM Began supporting ward round in critical care Collected some audit data which showed it made a positive contribution Bright idea = why not create a research proposal based on the research question, “What difference can an embedded librarian make in critical care?” Had no research experience, no publications, knew nobody doing research, in an organisation that wasn’t research-focused at all

4 Research questions What is the role of the librarian as a knowledge broker in critical care? What contribution can an embedded librarian make? What are the economic benefits of an embedded librarian? Can tailored information reduce the incidence of PTSD in critical care survivors and their families? The research questions that we have sought to address along the way (with varying degrees of success) are… I’m not talking today about any of the answers to these questions (that’s another presentation entirely!) but rather my learning from the process. A huge learning point for me is the evolving nature of research, how ideas can emerge through conversations with others and feedback from failed grant applications.

5 The downs Unsuccessful bids Momentum (losing it)
Getting the right team Patience Translating my work Time NHS climate

6 My research network Line manager Library team Organisational champions
Academics Research Design Service Funders Twitter

7 Library skills What helps? Attention to detail Literature searching
Collaboration Connecting What do I need to develop? Flexibility Research knowledge Resilience Academic reputation

8 The ups Partnerships Good fortune Professional profile Money
Patient partners

9 As a result, 8 years later, I have started to build a research network, accumulated know-how on conducting research, the funding process, presented at international conference, got some publications under my belt, been featured in national CILIP campaign #amilliondecisions, brought nearly £200k of research funding into my organisation, contributed to improved patient care in critical care, seen as part of the multidisciplinary team. Some research ideas haven’t made it to fruition (yet) but there is still learning to be taken from those.

10 Reflections Start small & keep it simple Build your network
Grow the evidence base Grow your own skills and knowledge How do we develop other skills?

11 Victoria Treadway @librarianpocket #HLG2018

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