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Social Media & Marketing: Online advertising and networking

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Presentation on theme: "Social Media & Marketing: Online advertising and networking"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Media & Marketing: Online advertising and networking
Alex Wong

2 [Recap] What is social media?
Social media describes the online technologies and practices that people use to share opinions, insights, experiences, and perspectives with each other (Wikipedia 2007) [Recap]

3 [Recap] They share one or more characteristics Participation Openness
Connectedness [Recap] Conversation Community

4 [Recap] Source: Future Exploration Network, 2005

5 Social Media’s elements
Interactivity [Interconnected] Web 2.0 World Networks Word of Mouth

6 6 Dimensions of Interactivity
Interactivity is one of the important elements in advertising studies as it has been used as a measurement of advertising effectiveness of the internet User control Responsiveness Real time interactions Connectedness Personalization/ customization Playfulness



9 Evolution of E-Business

10 Australian Population: Media Consumption
Data : Roy Morgan April – March 2007

11 Total Online Market by Qtr
Source: NineMSN Category Q2 FY 07 Q/Q Growth Y/Y General 91,500,000 ? 17.3% 47.6% Classifieds 89,000,000 9.9% 48.3% Search & Directories 136,500,000 31.3% 100.7% Total 317,000,000 20.5% 66.8% Growth by Category (Qtr) 1 H FY 07 H/H 169,500,000 27.0% 48.7% 170,000,000 31.8% 49.1% 240,500,000 51.7% 86.4% 580,000,000 37.8% 62.5% Growth by Category (Half) Source: NineMSN, 2007

12 Australian Population 14yrs+ media consumption in the last 4 weeks
Roy Morgan Single Source Report Apr06 – Mar07

13 Changes in heavy media consumption amongst the Australian population 14yrs+
In the past 6 years the Internet has been the only medium that has experienced positive growth at 44% more of the AU population going online Roy Morgan Single Source Report Apr06 – Mar07

14 What is social networking?

15 Social Networks is the ground for social capital
What is a network? Nodes (actors) Ties (relationships) Relationship Nodes (actors) Nodes (actors) Relationships Nodes (actors) “A network is a set of relationships critical to your ability to get things done”

16 opportunities, and support”.
Network Properties Structure - Size, Density, Redundancy Composition Focus “The shape of your network determines your access to information, resources, opportunities, and support”.

17 A SOCIAL NETWORK is a map of the relationships between individuals, organizations and other relevant NODES indicating the ways in which they are connected by financial, social or professional LINKS.






23 http://www. modernlifeisrubbish. co

24 The Long Tail Who needs megahits?
Tell NSync story

25 In the past They each made more than $50 million last year, according to Forbes. They accounted for 40% of the top 10 acts. 


27 Ratings of Top TV shows

28 Where are they all going?

29 A powerlaw

30 Shown another way

31 The Missing Market













44 The “momentum” effect Traditional marketing: Social marketing:

45 Visit Brand Custom Community Receive Brand Pass Along
Non-linear by nature Visit Brand Custom Community View Download (in brand’s community) “Each Interaction is an Impression” Receive Brand Pass Along View Download (on user’s page) Pass Along Use on Own Page Size = Incidence (# of people doing activity)

46 Social Networks – best for making meaningful connections

47 In short…… Is all about the consumer

What do consumer want these days??? - A personalised experience PERSONALISATION


50 Thank You Majority of the slides are obtained through various online portals. Sorry for not citing sources!!

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