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How to Find HCI Research

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1 How to Find HCI Research
6.S063 Engineering Interaction Technologies Prof. Stefanie Mueller | HCI Engineering Group

2 conference website

3 schedule has paper names!

4 if you click on a paper, you get the abstract + 30sec video

5 how do you get the full paper pdf?

6 google for the title + acm (Association for Computing Machinery)






12 everything older than the paper

13 everything newer than the paper

14 full 20 min conference talk

15 SIG = special interest group
CHI = computer-human interaction

16 author website typically has all papers listed

17 or go to google scholar

18 < 5 min > let’s do some searching:
go to the UIST 2016 website -> schedule find a paper title that looks interesting search for it ‘paper title + acm’’ search for the 30 sec video search for the full length video (typically 2-6 min) search for the conference talk (ca min) search for the paper pdf find 2 other papers this author has published < 5 min >

19 HCI conferences

20 CHI: everything, tech HCI - usability (ca. 3000 people)

21 UIST: technical HCI, ca. 300 people

22 other well-known HCI conferences:
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) Creativity & Cognition (C&C) MobileHCI Ubiquitous computing (Ubicomp) Tangible and Embedded Interaction (TEI) Interactive Surfaces and Systems (ISS) Augmented Human (AH) Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI)

23 end.

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